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Hoogly Blogs / tea

Have a Hoogly Christmas

Have a Hoogly Christmas

Advent is finally with us! I think it is now reasonable for us at Hoogly to sneak out first Merry Christmas out. These next few weeks are always my favourite time of year. The decorations can come out, Aled Jones can be sneaked on when no one is looking, and the Christmas films, which multiply year on year, can begin to make their rotation. And if none of those things sound like your kind of Christmas, then whatever it is that you love most can come out too, even if it involves surfing.


We take Christmas seriously at Hoogly. We are Danish, after all! Indeed, half of our teas are designed as delicious and indulgent winter treats with all the taste of your favourite desserts but none of the calories. But just as it’s no doubt important to stay warm and well fed over Christmas, there’s also another element which we might all be beginning to get a little panicked over. Don’t worry though, at Hoogly we believe that there is a perfect gift for everyone!


The first product to mention is one we are very excited about. Our brand new Luxury Tea Selection Box. Designed by our fantastic team here at Hoogly, this elegant and luxurious box is jam packed with our full range of tea envelopes. It is the perfect gift for either someone with an adventurous palate, or maybe just someone who you can’t decide on a particular tea for. We are certain that it’s beautiful design will delight anyone who lays their eyes on it. Our boxes and envelopes are all 100% recyclable and compostable, so there’s no need to be concerned about any environmental impact. Kick back and enjoy! We are very proud of these selection boxes, and we hope you take as much pride in drinking from their contents as we did in designing them.


We also understand that there are those tea aficionados amongst you all with more specific palettes. For those of you who are looking for stocking fillers, our teapods, which contain 5 teabags,  might just be the perfect fit! We offer them across our entire range as well, so whether it’s a caffeine buzz you think they might like, or a warming herbal tea to soothe away the winter chill, we have it. People should be drinking the tea they love, after all.


For something similar but just a little bit fancier, we also sell selection boxes of 4 teapods, which are gift wrapped by our wonderful staff. They might not quite fit in a stocking, but  if you can’t narrow down what flavour tea they would want, or maybe the person is just a little bit special, then this is the perfect gift!


The final, and maybe most grand of them all, is of course our loose tea starter set. A true set piece of a present, is there anyone who wouldn’t love it? Our teapots are all glass to ensure you get to see the tea leaves transforming the water into those wonderful, deep colours. We at Hoogly know that how something looks is just as important as how it tastes ( although, don’t get me wrong, how something tastes is very important). You also get 50g of a loose tea of your choosing. A very difficult choice! Don’t worry though, you can always add extra flavours to improve the present further,


Of course, it goes without saying that christmas is not only a time for gift giving, but also for spreading joy and spending time with the people you love. We just think that if we can spread a little cheer on christmas day then we should let you know! And if you are tired of the growing post-christmas clutter, or want a genuinely sustainable option, then we really are the perfect treat. Our tea, whether loose, bagged or individually wrapped is all compostable and plastic free.


Written by Euan Reid



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Hampers and corporate gifting.

Hampers and corporate gifting.

Corporate gifting is something that we really love here at Hoogly. We adore it when people ask us to be involved in their hampers. Our teapods, which offer 5 of our unique flavours in teabag form, are the perfect addition to any hamper. We have teas to fit every season, so they can be slipped in as a Christmas thank-you present or perhaps as congratulations to someone who has just completed their first deal.

Let’s step back a little, though, to the origins of the hamper. The hamper is, in most of our minds, synonymous with traditional British family life. I experienced my own pastiche form of this. I remember well the excitement of filling it up with all the things we would eat, the blankets slung on precariously. These trips to various beauty spots for a picnic were an integral part of my childhood. Growing up in Kent, we had the North Downs to contend with, a 153-mile stretch of chalk escarpment, wooded for the most part, covered with wildflowers and cows where it wasn’t. We could also turn north, out to the marshes, to Dickens country, where the land became a little murkier. Still cows, of course, just sunken a little. Since I am not an Arthur Ransome character, I never quite experienced the picnic hamper at its peak. Lashings of ginger beer and corned beef sandwiches. I had to settle for supermarket pork pies and scotch eggs. For nectarines, not freshly scrumped apples (orchards in Kent are a serious business. I couldn’t dig like Mr Fox).

While this, the early twentieth-century British countryside picnic, is no doubt what we think of when we think of the hamper, its origins lie elsewhere. Originating from the Old English "hamper," meaning literally "wicker container," they are, in fact, an invention of medieval Europe. Not used for a picnic, but rather as a cheap box used for transporting food and clothes across great distances. It was as late as the Victorian era when they began to be used for picnics. It was also in this period where we see them begin to be used for gifts. Various artisanal products presented in a hamper for Christmas became a staple of Victorian society.

From this, the idea of corporate gift-giving flourished. Around the midpoint of the twentieth century, companies began to give hampers as gifts to clients. As trade flourished across borders and industries, the concept of sitting down and discussing business began to decline. Phones, for the most part, dealt with day-to-day administration, but, as we have all witnessed, they are less reliable for expressing gratitude. Suddenly, your grandma's Christmas hamper became a revolutionary product. Is there a better way to say thank you to a client if you couldn’t necessarily

be there, or as personalised staff gifts in the increasingly impersonal office environments? Indeed, they became a market in and of themselves, with companies offering to create the hampers for their various corporate clients.

As can be imagined, the internet was a major driving force in the growth of the industry we see today. The internet has allowed the flourishing of smaller craft industries, due to its eradication of barriers to entry, increasing the distances that we can trade with. Whereas before, chances are a quick trip along the high street would be all that could be done, now we have access to pretty much every small seller across the country. The hamper symbolically travels across those same distances it did in medieval Europe, only perhaps with a few more ribbons attached.

The internet also has a habit of reviving cultural moments, long forgotten even by the people within them. The hamper in its wicker container has come full circle and is back with us. While the internet helps to repopulate, the growth is no doubt as a result of increasing interests in sustainability, since wicker is a regenerative material.

We are proud to have been a part of that boom in luxury artisanal products at Hoogly. We embrace the importance of smaller sellers and are driven by sustainability. Our teapods are fully compostable and biodegradable. For a summer hamper, I would recommend one of our white teas, particularly Sparkling White, which is probably our most luxurious tea. Champagne in a mug! For the winter, any of our black teas or rooibos are perfect. Can you imagine anything better than our Chocolate Brownie Tea, for instance, on a cold winter's night?

Written by Euan Reid

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The Afternoon Tea

The Afternoon Tea

Silk curtains and pretty tablecloths, silver trays and cutlery, people gossiping about incidents not quite as scandalous as the hushed tones would have you imagine. This is no doubt what you think of when you think of the institution that is the afternoon tea. George Gissing writes that “Nowhere is the English genius of domesticity more notably evident than in the festival of afternoon tea. The chink of cups and the saucers tunes the mind to happy repose.” It  is this repetition that lends afternoon tea its universality; crustless cucumber sandwiches and china teaware. The fussy, old world charm of village jigsaw puzzles and Agatha Christie. No violence or disagreement can penetrate. Gets itself stuck in all the curtain folds.

If you are thinking this way, then you are more in line with your imagination than reality. For a start, tea has splintered into so many different factions in modern British life. Even the word itself has lost its university. Is it tea as in camellia sinensis, or tea as in a herbal infusion, or tea as in rooibos?  The tins and jars, precariously stacked to find space, crush me.

Just like the changes in tea that have come about in the past 50 or so years, so too has the afternoon tea adapted to the changing culture. As the years roll on, generations pass onwards into disrepair. Entropy hits even millennials. If I get palpitations when someone of my own generation becomes prime minister, what’ll happen when a zoomer finds themselves there? This rolling on of time has helped to lift afternoon teas up from its stuffy origins. Millennials and Generation Z are the chief revolutionaries, with Generation Z at the vanguard. Not the normal battleground for teenage angst, but I guess that is the point. According to studies from Jing Tea, afternoon teas have rocketed amongst zoomers, with 52%  having been once a month. As their interest grows, they have been adding their own spark. Younger audiences are moving towards herbal and green tea options, as well as a towards more artisanal patisserie, as opposed to your more basic victoria sponge. Alexander House, for instance, one of the hotels we work with, has a fantastic array of cakes and tarts. Champagne as well has become a popular addition to the afternoon tea, adding to the party element.

Millennials as a generation are drawn to particular brand identity, whereas gen z are drawn more to how brands interact with them. A generation weaned on choice, they are constantly drawn to uniqueness.

This seesaw between uniqueness and identity has been the driving force of the changes to the afternoon tea. In a competitive marketplace, an establishment has to stand out, both in appearance and what it can offer. An integral part of this is that it is becoming more of an events based activity among modern generations; a treat as opposed to your average afternoon activity. Gissing’s domesticity shrinks into the shadows. But while this is true, I think what is drawing younger generations to it is still contained essentially in what Gissing has to say. For him the afternoon tea represents a form of slow excitement, which I think strikes a chord with modern generations. Generation Z are turning more and more to simpler, more routine based lives. Influencers speak of ‘romanticising your life’, embracing the little pleasures, such as candles, a bath, or a Netflix binge. Younger generations are also drinking less and less, so the statement “pub anyone (?)” is losing its power.

It seems like the slow and subtle beauty of an afternoon tea fits perfectly into the priorities of the younger generations. Eric Hobsbawm speaks of British traditions as being malleable. We pick and choose our traditions so that they may fit into the modern times. It seems like this is being done here. The slowness, the repetition of an afternoon tea appeals to the fast paced, almost cyber reality of the modern world. To put it bluntly, it’s something to do that keeps us off our phones.

It maybe true, that in its development  as a response to the speeding up world, it contains within its success its essential failing. It’ll innovate too far, lose its initial power, show up in one too many ads, and people will lose interest. This is true of everything though really. Nothing stays forever. Who knows what the tea habits of Generation Alpha will be. Let’s just relish, for the moment, in the current popularity of the most wonderful of all drinks.


Written by Euan Reid

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Daily Rituals

Daily Rituals

Hello all!! March is finally here, and with that comes the knowledge winter is drawing to a close. I say knowledge rather than awareness because you wouldn’t think it from this weather!
This winter has made me think a lot about the mechanisms we use in our day to day lives to cope with fast changing events. I was recently reading ‘Thousand Cranes’, by Yasunari Kawabata, a beautiful novel in which the narrator describes the various relationships he has had across his life, and his attempt to come to terms with the inherent uncertainty which comes from relationships. Set against a backdrop of Post World War Two Japan, it evolves to become a tale of how to cope with the broader changes and uncertainties which came from the latter half of the 20th century. Kawabata develops this meaning very slowly, almost without you even noticing, utilising prose that evokes a portrait of quiet , micro-emotions, whether that be happiness, yearning, or even despair.

Among the strongest of relationships that the narrator has, and what drew me first to the novel, is with that of the Japanese matcha tea ritual, which becomes a symbol for the uncertainty present throughout the text. As the novel progresses, the narrator becomes disheartened by the power both himself and those around him place upon the ceremony. What follows is a novel driven by its characters' use of, and indeed, reliance upon, rituals. Rituals become a symbol of solace but also of a removal from the everyday reality which comes from uncertainty. A performative way to reject existence without finding any meaning in that rejection. It is this which I think of first when I am forced to think of my own rituals; funny, old fashioned sounding things, passed down from parent to parent. Presents before or after food at Christmas. A Roast Dinner only allowed on Sunday.

As I think more about these rituals though, it becomes clear to me that while they may very well be pointless, they are also pivotal to our relationship with those events. As soon as I try and imagine Christmas with presents in the order I don’t expect them, a cold dread fills me. It may not matter, of course it doesn't, but I can’t change how it makes me feel. The beauty of Kawabata’s novel is that there is also power which comes from rituals. They are

simultaneously a marker of the most important and also of the most superficial aspects of the world.

Following on from this, I believe that rituals represent the small parts of our individual lives which keep us tethered to our sense of self in an increasingly discordant world. Inter connectivity might be all anyone ever talks about. We have all doom scrolled around the horrors of social media and of the decline of the high street. But while we don’t all need to be shaking our fists and railing against technical progress, which has really been quite beneficial to all of our lives, we do need to remember certain things. As everything becomes more and more interconnected, our bodies swept along into vast neurological networks, it seems like we all do need to keep something that is entirely our own. To me, rituals are the tiny, almost inconsequential things which invert my life from that network. They are my own, established not in laboratories or dictated to me through instruction Manuals. Little things, perhaps irrational, which I have gathered from my own praxis, with the only end in sight being my own sense of peace. It is important, I think, to stop us from becoming entirely caught up in efficiency and time-management. Sometimes it's good to do things a bit slow, a bit silly.

For better or for worse then, rituals are an integral part of how we cope with the world. Of Course we at Hoogly cannot offer quite such a ritual, but I think there is something in our message which attempts to construct some sense of ritual back into life. I walk into the kitchen to make myself a cup. Danish pastry I think this time. I measure out the tea, place it in the teapot, pour water at the correct temperature, turn over the timer, and wait. I then pour out the tea into a cup. Drinking it slowly I think of other things I do, other repetitive acts which I really don’t need to do in quite such elaborate detail, but which I do anyway, and which, when I do them , make me feel a whole lot better. I always walk in a circle to work and back home. There is no requirement as to which way I walk, in fact it changes daily. But if I walk one direction in then I have to walk the other way back. I can’t really think why but I know that it helps. I hope you all go and make a cup of tea after reading this, and as you make it,

think of all the little things you do each day which made this winter not just bearable, but enjoyable.

Written by Euan Reid

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Hello and a Hoogly New Year to you all! It’s that time of year again; a time of reset and resolution; a time of looking forward to the months ahead; of new challenges and high expectations; of learning from our mistakes and setbacks in an attempt to do better this time round. At Hoogly, we are always searching for ways to help you feel happy and empowered, and this month we are sharing our top tips for achievable New Year’s Resolutions. Obviously, drinking more Hoogly Tea is the number one target for 2023, because this is a sure-fire way to tranquillity and mindful bliss—but we also have a whole load of equally amazing suggestions, so buckle up and see if any of these ideas strikes a chord…


  1. Boundaries. This is a tricky one to get right, but hugely beneficial in the long run. Learn to say no in the right way and at the right time. If you can master this simple-sounding (but often difficult) act, you will find yourself with more time, more productivity, more belief in yourself and a good work-life balance. 
  2. Become a better listener. Give people around you the time and space to express themselves.  Active listening will make others feel respected, valued and understood, and the feelings will usually be reciprocal. 
  3. Mind-wandering. Give your brain the space to make connections and form ideas without the constant interruption of technology or conversation. Allow your thoughts the silence they need to coalesce, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much your focus and creativity is bolstered.
  4. Social Media time out. Maybe start with a ban on checking your socials first thing in the morning and last thing at night. If you can, expand the times when you are tech-free, and attempt wherever possible to avoid ‘doom-scrolling,’ endlessly swiping through content that lasts only for a few seconds. Engage in an activity that fills you with joy, one that makes time melt away in a positive way, and focus exclusively on being present in that activity. Your mind will thank you.
  5. Be health-conscious. This doesn’t mean an all-out blitz on every aspect of your life, but small and positive changes as you are able. Walk or cycle instead of driving where possible. Dodge the lift and take the stairs. Eat an apple instead of a chocolate bar. Chose proteins over trans-fats. Drink less coffee and add more water. Even doing these things once or twice a week can make a big difference, and the positive changes you notice might just motivate you to continue!
  6. Gratitude. Start a journal and jot down three things each day that you’re thankful for. It can be big or small, getting a new job or simply narrowly avoiding a downpour. Go back over these notes every night and focus on the positive things in your life, gently pushing away negativity. 
  7. Read more books. Of course, this requires a certain investment of time, but if you can carve out some moments from your schedule, this traditional hobby is a hugely mindful way of relaxing, as well as offering (depending on the genre) excitement, cosiness, educational value or a darn good fright!
  8. Drink more Hoogly Tea.  This comes in at number 8, despite being the most valuable item on our list! As you know, being more Hoogly is about tapping into the Danish sense of cosy, calm and joyful living, focussing on the things that matter most in your life, and treating yourself to things that put a smile on your face. It is about slowing down and appreciating the people, places and hobbies that we love; it’s about being kind to yourself; it’s about fluffy socks, candlelight baths and baking cakes; it’s about board games with friends, light conversation for the sake of conversation, and surrounding yourself with people who make you feel special. And all this joyful Hooglyness has been condensed and curated into our wonderful selection of teas, offering you a tantalising treat to help you shed the day’s stresses and a deliciously Danish taste of comfort that you can turn to time and time again.


And now introducing our brand-new addition to the Hoogly shop: Silver Needle White Tea! This is the champagne of all white teas, utilising only the top buds of the Camellia Sinensis to produce beautifully smooth and elegant loose-leaf brew, ideal to send as a delightful gift to your nearest and dearest, or simply to enjoy as an indulgent treat for yourself. 


If it’s possible, our next newcomer might be even more spectacular! Jasmine Flower Balls Green Tea are intricately hand-crafted, jasmine-scented Green Tea balls, whose blossoms unfurl as the brew infuses to reveal a stunning display of delicate flowers. This is a mesmerising spectacle, perfect for wowing guests on special occasions, and ideal for adding light and cheer to the dark winter months!


That’s it for now, Hoogly lovers. Good luck with your resolutions—stay safe and take care of each other!


Written by Chris Bedford

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Affordable Luxury

Affordable Luxury

Greetings Hoogly fans. The Christmas season has crept up on us again: kids are scribbling down lists, adults are starting to feel a greater sense of urgency and the streets are getting busier. Shops have already decked out their interiors with tinsel, stars and fir trees, enticing us in with shiny gifts and familiar festive music. But this year, the world is a different place. As the weather worsens, so do many issues that affect households up and down the country, not least of which is the cost-of-living crisis. It’s a grim fact that many of us will have to be more mindful than ever of how we budget this Christmas, finding ways to make our funds go further.

With this in mind, we at Hoogly would like to highlight some of our exclusive gift range, giving you some ideas for presents that are original, unusual, and luxurious—without costing the earth. 

First off, we would like to present our snuggly and huggly hot water bottles. Our gorgeous range of winter-beating warmers are all hand-crafted from luxury fabrics and come in an attractive selection of colours, including red, cream and brown. We do things Danishly at Hoogly, and in that part of the world, they know how to keep warm in style—and now you can too!

Up next is one of our personal favourites, the Hoogly filter teapot! This elegantly branded glass pot has a silver lid with a filter which can be removed after the tea leaves have been brewed. Perfectly portioned for one person, simply add two teaspoons of loose leaf or a tea pyramid—then sit back, relax and watch as your tea leaves unfurl! Suitable for both hand wash and dishwasher, this little beauty makes a simple, practical and novel present, perfect for someone who likes to unwind and shake off the stress with a cuppa in true Hoogly style.

Santa is not the only one bringing a sack of presents this year! We at Ho Ho Hoogly are now offering a gorgeous, branded cotton bag filled with fifty individually wrapped tea pyramids! Although we don’t advise throwing it down a chimney! Teas include a huge range of our customer favourites, including Cosy Chamomile (herbal tea), Rhubarb and Vanilla (green tea), English Breakfast (black tea) and Danish Pastry (Rooibos). This really is the gift that keeps on giving, not only providing you with a strong and stylish shopping bag, but also a delightful surprise each time you flip the kettle on and choose one of our tasty brews!

If you feel like being really fancy, then there is only one gift choice for you. Our supremely elegant and branded wooden tea tray comes with two lovely Hoogly mugs, complete with bamboo lids/coasters and golden spoons! The perfect gift for couples, this wonderful package is rounded off with 20 envelope-wrapped teas, featuring a wide range of our most popular blends. Replicating the experience of a luxury hotel, this attractive gift is the perfect way to make an impression this Christmas!

For all of these gifts—and more—visit


And we’ll finish today with our Tea of the Month—our Hoogly recommendation for November! Beat the winter blues with Banoffee Pie black tea, an indulgent and sweet treat in a cup, combining a rich black tea with subtle warming banana and toffee flavour. Mixing a British classic with a hint of the exotic, this sublime cuppa will warm your cockles and put a smile on your face when the weather gets you down!


Stay safe, tea lovers. See you soon!

Written by Chris Bedford

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A Spook Full of Sugar

A Spook Full of Sugar

Greetings Hoogly fans! One of the most exciting times of the year will soon be upon us; a period rich in history and tradition; a night packed with mischief and mystery. For some, it is a bit of good fun; for others, an unsettling plunge into the dark side. I’m talking, of course, about Halloween! As a child, I used to adore heading out into the crisp October chill in one of my many disguises, including Batman, Count Dracula, Spiderman and various Victorian ghosts. Knocking on people’s doors and collecting chocolate seemed like an excellent way to spend an evening (it still does) but I don’t have any children of my own, and it seems extremely weird to borrow some for this purpose, or to trick-or-treat alone as an adult. One time during my childhood, however, there was some actual horror amidst all the fun. After collecting a hatful of sweets, I felt a pang of hunger and decided to unwrap a few chocolates and gorge to my heart’s content. It turned out that one of the sweet treats was not chocolate, but some kind of hard candy, which proceeded to chip my tooth and subsequently cut my gum. So, with very real blood dribbling down my chin, I returned to the nearest house, arms outstretched in panic, slapping a doorbell until a strange adult opened up and (after jumping back in shock) allowed me to come in and use the bathroom and get cleaned up. My friends were delighted with my antics, and it was clear that I had ‘won’ Halloween that year (as the kids say these days). I was in pain for a month afterwards, though, and I ended up with a tooth that was more werewolf than human (which is still prone to savaging my cheek from time to time), but I guess this is an adequate price to pay for a gob full of blood and some genuine scares on the spookiest night of the year!

To get you all the mood for the big day, we at Hoogly have cobbled together some of the most genuinely creepy places in the UK, to be avoided all costs if you are afraid of ghosts and other things that go bump in the night. 


1. Ancient Ram Inn, Gloucestershire. This 12th century inn is purportedly ‘the most haunted house in Britain,’ having apparently been witness to suicide, child sacrifice, black magic and been used as a hideout for criminals. Visitors have claimed to have seen or felt the presence of a pair of demons, orbs, a witch and many other apparitions. Even hardened fans of the supernatural have admitted the Ram Inn is the scariest place they’ve ever visited. 


2. Borley Rectory, Essex. This Victorian Mansion first gained a spooky reputation in the 1860s when footsteps were heard during the night; in subsequent years the ghost of a nun, a pair of headless horsemen, a ghostly carriage and phantom servant bells have all been reported. The rectory’s hauntings came to prominence in 1929 when famed paranormal investigator Harry Price and the Daily Mail covered the strange goings-on. In a further twist, the building was sadly destroyed by fire in 1939.


3. Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon. A picturesque castle in a pretty town harbouring a sinister secret! Two female spirits, The White Lady and the Blue Lady, stalk the halls of the old structure. The White Lady is said to haunt the dungeons; The Blue Lady is reported to haunt the tower, luring strangers to her aid, resulting in a lethal plunge if the passer-by intervenes. 


4. Ballygally Castle, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. The castle dates to 1625 and is steeped in history. Lady Isobel Shaw fell to her death more than 400 years ago after her husband (Lord James Shaw) locked her up for failing to produce a son. Isobel’s tragic fall occurred during an escape attempt. It is said that her ghost wanders the hotel to this day, wrapping on doors, as well as appearing and vanishing in rooms. Madame Nixon, a 19th century inhabitant of the castle, has also been seen and heard roaming the castle in her silk dress. Some visitors also claim to hear the running and giggling of ghostly children.


5. Pluckley Village, Kent. Pluckley has featured on many television programmes and is a popular haunt for ghost hunters and paranormal enthusiasts from around the UK. Guinness World Records 1989 named it the most haunted village in England, having as it does between 12 and 16 ghosts, including a screaming man, the Fright Corner highwayman, a school teacher found hung by a group of kids, and an old smoking woman on a bridge. Visit if you dare!


And what can possibly keep us safe from places of death, misdeeds and horror? Well, nothing, sadly. But a nice cup of tea will help. We heartily recommend Around the Fire Oolong tea for the frosty chill of late October. One of our customer favourites, this gorgeous brew is a cosy combination of smoky tea leaves and warming spices, licked by flames of safflower and sprinkled with crushed chilli for a hint of fiery charm. It’s the perfect shield against the creeping draughts of winter, ideal for winding down at the end of the day, as well as faithful and delicious companion as you watch late-night horror movies or read some spine-tingling ghost stories!


That’s it for now, tea lovers. Stay safe and have a horrific…I mean happy…Halloween!!


Written by Chris Bedford

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Hoogly Games Night!

Hoogly Games Night!

Greetings Hoogly fans! The days are gradually getting shorter, the night creeping in earlier. As they are keen to inform us in Game of Thrones: winter is coming. We will be spending more time indoors, shielding ourselves not from undead White Walkers, but from the cold and the dark. But fear not! We at Hoogly love a cosy evening inside. It’s what makes us who we are: warm socks, the low light of candles, comfy pillows and the lovely, carefree conversation of close friends and family. Our whole ethos is about focussing on the things that bring us joy, being mindful and enjoying the moment, and treating ourselves to the nice things in life. And not only this, we know how to have fun—which is why we’re the biggest fans of games nights. What better way to bring your nearest and dearest together than a laugh-out-loud, entertaining night of competitive mayhem, strategic decisions, trivia knowledge, mystery solving and eccentric dice-rolling techniques.

To get you in the mood, we’ve cobbled together a list of our favourite games, all of which are guaranteed to delight your guests, young and old. 


  1. Agatha Christie, Death on the Cards. Do you like murder mysteries? Do you like deceiving your friends and family? Then this is the game for you! Players must harness their inner Poirot to solve a murder and find out who among your guests has committed the ghastly crime! Work cooperatively and use your detective skills to unmask the killer—but trust no-one, as one of the players will be working against everyone else, keeping themselves hidden and attempting to escape justice! Each player also has dark secrets they must keep concealed from other players to avoid being disadvantaged and suspected! Do you have what it takes to solve a crime? Do you have what it takes to get away with murder…?
  2. Codenames. An unpredictable game of espionage and subterfuge as two spymasters attempt to make contact with their 25 agents, who are known only by their codenames. The codenames are laid out on the table in the form of single words. Players must give one-word clues to their teammates, who must identify the correct word, while avoiding the enemy spies and the lethal assassin, whose icy touch ends the game immediately. This is a brilliant game for two groups of two, testing your ability to communicate savvily with your partner, proving whether or not you are on the same wavelength. It is a game of risk-and-reward and high stakes, where the wrong answer can prove fatal! 
  3. Herd Mentality. This is a hilarious, cow-themed party game in which you’re given random questions, and you have to answer as you think everyone else would in order to win cows and avoid being the outcast with the solitary pink squeezy cow! It’s great fun to hear everyone else’s answers and learn some (odd) things about them, like their favourite muppet, the largest fruit they could fit in their mouth without chopping it up, or who in the room they think is the best dressed! If a player is taking too long over their answer, the rules state you are allowed to moo at them to hurry it up! Up to twenty people can play and it’s endlessly re-playable because the answers are never the same, even with the same players!
  4. Poetry for Neanderthals. A family-friendly game, similar to Taboo, where players earn points by getting their teammates to guess words and phrases. The twist is that you’re only allowed to use the one-syllable words of a friendly caveman! So, to describe ‘Netflix’ you might say ‘Watch this with friends; pay for it and stream. Much good shows. Not Prime!’ If you accidentally spill a two-or-more syllable word, your opponents are required to bop you on the head with the caveman’s inflatable club, whilst saying, ‘NOPE’! Hours of prehistoric party fun!


So, what delicious Hoogly tea would best accompany a games night? Well, we want something fun, crowd-pleasing and moreish. Something you can enjoy time and time again. Something that will put a smile on everyone’s face with its simple charms. 

Look no further than Apple Strudel Green tea!! A stylish and warming gem for the colder evenings, this classic combination of juicy apples and sweet spices, bound by a roasted green tea, offers a well-baked delight with every sip. It's one of our favourite brews here at Hoogly, a dependable and tasty mug of love that everyone will enjoy, and is a treat for anyone wishing to bring a bit of cosiness and Danish delight into their lives.

That’s it for this time, tea lovers. Until next time, get gaming!!

Written by Chris Bedford

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A Lolly Good Idea

A Lolly Good Idea

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it’s a bit…warm. As I write this, I’m melting into my leather sofa, three cups of water at my side, a cold flannel wrapped around my forehead like the headband of a 70s tennis player. As I look up over my monitor, I can see the dog sitting in a shaded corner of the garden, trying to dig out some carrot and chicken from his rubber Kong toy. Just watching him makes me feel weary. I know this sounds a little pathetic, but I’m just one of those people that don’t do very well in the sun. It’s almost certain that perched on a branch in some long-lost part of my family tree lies a Factor 50 vampire. (I also don’t like garlic and am vulnerable to stakes through the heart) At the merest hint of sunlight my body shuts down and my skin begins screaming for mercy. If I look outside into dazzling sunshine without sunglasses for more than ten minutes, I get a whopping headache that is unacceptably tough to shift. 

So, you won’t be surprised to learn that when I discovered we were about to experience a heatwave—and possibly the hottest day ever—I wasn’t racing to don my Speedos and blow up my flamingo dinghy for a day at the beach. In fact, the most enthusiasm I could summon was an obsessive impulse to check my weather app every fifteen minutes to see if the forecast had all be some incredible hoax or mistake. When it became clear that there weren’t great blizzards piling in from the north, I finally resigned myself to a few days of stickiness, irritability and lack of movement. 

But every cloud has a silver lining.

The one thing that always puts a smile on my face when the sun is baking down is the refreshing joy of indulging in Hoogly Iced Teas and Lollies! …And you thought we were all about hot, mindful, cosy masterpieces! Think again, tea lovers! Hoogly has a deliciously Danish answer for everything that life throws our way, including temperatures creeping up the mid-thirties. Our summer sensations our so easy to make; all you need to do is:


  • Pop four Hoogly Tea Bags in a 1 litre jug.
  • Add boiling water until the jug is a third full.
  • Brew for 5 minutes.
  • Put some cold water in until the jug is two-thirds full.
  • Add some ice and refreshing fruit for extra pazazz!


The perfect iced tea!


The hard part is choosing which of our amazing teas to select for your icy brew! But don’t fear, as ever, we’ve come up with a few suggestions to help you out this summer.


It doesn’t hurt to invert! A tea that usually warms the cockles will provide the perfect chill-out experience in its iced form: Apple Strudel Greet Tea! This classic combination of juicy apples and sweet spices is as refreshing as a dip in the pool, with a tantalising taste that make a splash and lures you back time and again!


For those who are after a zinging brew full of summer zest, then we highly recommend Citrus Bloom Herbal Infusion. Bright citrus notes sing in harmony with a melodious trio of peppermint, rosemary and sage, while fennel seeds add a twist to your icy treat!


And who could resist the cup of liquid luxury that is Marzipan Rooibos?! This rich and indulgent flavour is a perfectly elegant way to cool down in a heatwave, combining almond pieces with mallow flowers and vanilla pieces. Once you’ve taken a sip, you’ll forget the sweat and decompress from the stress!


If Iced Teas don’t work for you, then why not delight your family and friends with some luscious lollies? Simply brew your bags for twice the usual time, pour the contents into a mould, and then leave in the freezer overnight!


Kick off your sunbathing session with Spiced Orange Herbal Infusion. Our riff on the classic flavour is a beautifully balanced combination of fruit and mulled spices, treating Hoogly lovers young and old to a dazzling new way to enjoy the sunshine.


Or how about the extremely grown-up, extraordinarily luxurious Apricot Blossom White Tea? A lolly for those who are taking life slow and enjoying the moment. A lolly that is a treat for the adults while the kids are off playing and you can have ten minutes to put your feet up.  A complex mix of Chinese Pai Mu Dan and crisp green tea, drenched in sunny, ripe, soft stone fruit flavours, frozen to perfection to treat you something gloriously Hoogly. 


That’s it for this time, sun-lovers. As the temperatures rise, remember to stay hydrated, wear sun cream and, most importantly, be Hoogly to each other!


Written by Chris Bedford

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Making a splash with Hoogly

Making a splash with Hoogly

Greetings Hoogly fans! As I write this, the country is in the grip of a mini heat-wave, with temperatures in some parts soaring to over 30⁰. This wonderful exhibition of sunshine, however, can leave us a little hot under the collar, to say the least, so I thought I’d spend some time thinking about one of my favourite—and most refreshing—past-times: the simple joy of swimming!

Historical evidence has indicated that swimming was enjoyed as early as 2500 BCE in Egypt, and later in Assyria. In ancient Greece and Rome, swimming was part of military training and education for males. The Romans built pools, distinct from their famous baths, and Gaius Maecenas is thought to have constructed the first heated pool. 

In Asia, swimming appears to date back to the first century BCE, with evidence  found of races taking place throughout the region. In 17th century Japan, compulsory swimming lessons in schools were implemented by Imperial edict. 

In Europe in the Middle Ages, a lack of swimming activity seems to be evidenced by the fear of infection and epidemics spreading through close contact in water. Later, in the 17th century, there are reports of swimming at British seashore resorts, in conjunction with water therapy. In the 19th century, however, swimming increased in popularity both recreationally and for sport. By 1837, when the first swimming organisation was formed, London had six indoor pools, each with diving boards. 

The first swimming championship was held in 1846 in Australia and then annually thereafter. Competitors had to race over 400 metres. Swimming was included in the modern Olympic Games from their inception in 1896. Events were originally men-only, but women were brought into the fold in 1912. Some of the first events were a little odd compared to contemporary conventions: in 1900, when the event took place in France’s river Seine, competitors had to climb over a pole and a row of boats before swimming under them! When official body FINA took over, the races were codified and simplified, with strokes being reduced to crawl, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly. 

You don’t have to be an Olympic swimmer, of course, to feel the benefits of exercising in the water. Swimming is an excellent workout, requiring the movement of the entire body against the resistance of the water. Amongst other great benefits, swimming can:

-Keep you heart rate up whilst taking impact stress off the body. 

-Increase endurance, cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength. 

-Help keep you at a healthy weight.

-Be good for your heart and lungs.

-Tone muscles.

-Improve posture, coordination and balance.

-Improve flexibility.

And it’s not just the body that benefits from swimming. This form of exercise can be extremely peaceful and relaxing, immersing yourself in water can be a truly mindful experience, as well as being incredibly refreshing and invigorating on a blazingly hot day. Swimming is also well known to alleviate stress, and is available at a multitude of places such as beaches, lakes and rivers, offering the calming beauty and soundtrack of nature. (You must always take care to ensure that the environment you are swimming is safe, however.)

Once you’ve finished your revitalising dip, you’ll need a tasty treat to keep the refreshment topped up! Hoogly heartily recommends Citrus Bloom herbal infusion! This bright and beautiful brew combines summery citrus with the lively trio of peppermint, rosemary and sage, topped off with a scattering of fennel seeds. Equally delicious as a cuppa, an iced tea or a lolly, this sun-kissed sensation is perfect to dive into for the hot weather!

Or how about a firm customer favourite: Raspberry Liquorice and Lavendar black tea? Make a splash this summer with this dazzling combo of sharp raspberries and super-sweet liquorice root, sprinkled lovingly with lavender for a fresh, floral twist. So delicious you’ll want to fill the pool and swim in it!

That’s it for now, Hoogly fans. Remember to stay safe in the sun and drink lots of water—but save some room for our luxurious and mindful cuppas—the perfect treat to spoil yourself as the weather shines and shimmers. 

Written by Chris Bedford

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Greetings Hoogly fans! Many of you, I’m sure, will be thinking about heading off on holiday in the next few months, perhaps for the first time in over two years. Airports and planes are filling up gleefully and international travel provides a much-welcome opportunity to leave your stresses behind for a week or two, to soak in some warm rays, lounge at a pool or beach, and eat like kings without worrying about washing up. 

And those of you who have the chance to escape will most likely end up in a hotel, which—if it’s done right—is one of the best parts of travelling: a environment where you feel pampered, important, carefree and relaxed. A good hotel will be centred around you, offering a luxurious, comforting and attentive experience, giving you the confidence to sit back and let someone else think about the duties and details. A good hotel should create fond memories and inspire the urge to return—for the setting, for the company, for the mindful ambiance. It should entertain and inspire, offer warmth and familiarity, but at the same time allow its guests to discover new and exciting experiences. 

The emphasis on luxury and comfort that defines the best hotels is also at the heart of what we do at Hoogly. We want you to ‘check in’ with our broad selection of indulgent and delicious teas and then sit back, relax and let our creations do all the hard work. We aim to give take you on a journey of glamour and exotic tastes, as well as acknowledging the importance of simple pleasures that remind us of home. Our ethos is centred on allowing you to treat yourself to some well-deserved me-time, providing a cosy, mindful and elegant way to unwind and focus on restoring yourself to full capacity. And like the best hotels, we have a sneaking suspicion that once you’ve discovered Hoogly, you’ll want to return over and over again. 

For the sun-drenched joy of the poolside bather, we heartily recommend Apricot Blossom White Tea. This exquisite combination of Chinese Pai Mu Dan and crisp green tea is complemented by soft stone fruit flavours to create a subtle masterclass in summer relaxation. 

For the fine-diners amongst you, why not try Rhubarb and Vanilla Green Tea? This tantalising pairing of tart rhubarb and sweet vanilla is a beautifully balanced brew, perfect for any time of day or occasion, making it one of our firm favourites, and a joy from first to last sip.

Those who enjoy the carefree, fun-filled pleasures of the beach will be enthused by the sun-soaked sensation that is Spiced Orange Herbal Infusion! This is a zesty, fruity mix, propelled by a generous dose of mulled spices, squeezing every ounce of pleasure from the mug. 

And for those who wish to be pampered in the massage parlour, we’ve got just the indulgent delight for you! Chocolate Brownie Black Tea is unapologetically decadent, ironing out all those stressful creases with its rich and delicious simplicity, making you sigh and smile with every taste. 

That’s it for now, tea lovers! If you’re off on holiday soon, I wish you safe travels and all the best for your adventures! Remember the three most important items for your trip: passport, boarding card and a box of Hoogly Tea safely stowed in the suitcase!  

Written by Chris Bedford 


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The Magic of Mindfulness: Ichigo Ichie

The Magic of Mindfulness: Ichigo Ichie

As you all know, at Hoogly, we are committed to helping you find that perfect feeling of calm and relaxation, by offering you a delightful selection of delicious teas, and adhering to the Danish concept of Hygge, which celebrates the things both big and small that bring you joy, and a commitment to focussing on these things, leaving your stresses and strains behind you.  Because Hygge works so well in our lives, we are always on the look-out for concepts and ways-of-being that complement our ethos, drawing inspiration from cultures and beliefs from around the world. With this in mind, we would like to draw your attention to the Japanese philosophy of Ichigo ichie.

Translated as “Once, a meeting,” or “In this moment, an opportunity,” ichigo ichie informs us that every meeting, moment or experience is a unique treasure that will never be imitated in exactly the same way. It asks us to be aware that letting these moments pass us by means losing them forever, to our detriment. 

As we become more attuned to ichigo ichie, we learn to take a step back and acknowledge that every morning we wake up, every sunrise we experience, each day we spend with our family and loved ones is incredibly important and valuable, and deserves our utmost attention. In a society dominated by mobile phones, social media, emails and 24-hour news cycles, this lesson becomes ever more vital as we seek ways to navigate a culture of distraction, information overload and political divisiveness. 

As you begin to cultivate ichigo ichie’s practices, you will hopefully discover a happier and more fulfilling life, helping you become untethered from fears about the future or heaviness related to the past. You will appreciate the gift each moment brings and live fully in the moment, in a calm and mindful way.


Here are some of ichigo ichie’s guiding principles:


  • Live as if every moment will never be repeated. Greet and bid farewell to people with “ichigo ichie,” reminding yourself of the unique nature of each interaction.
  • Don’t put off those magic moments. Opportunities may only present themselves once: if you don’t make the most of it, it is gone forever. Seize the moment and treasure your life.
  • Be in the moment. Imagining what will happen in the future and trawling through the past can lead to negative emotions. Concentrate on what and who is in front of you. The possibilities of now are limitless. 
  • Meditate. Find a cosy, Hygge-inspired nook or soft pillow and remove yourself from the hustle and strain of your day. Step back from all other thoughts, observe the world around you and be grateful for the miracle of life. 
  • Try something new. Allow yourself to experience something outside of your usual routine. There is nothing more invigorating or exciting than finding a new passion and grabbing it with both hands. These moments are what life is about. 
  • Be aware of your senses. Notice the beauty of the way we perceive the world around us. Allow yourself to watch, listen, smell, touch and taste without distraction or interruption. Make a note of the things you experience. Describe what you have discovered and the way it makes you feel. 
  • Don’t wait! There’s no point in putting off celebration. Holidays, parties and events are fabulous—but try to recapture the spirit of these happy moments in your everyday life. Make every day worth singing, dancing and blowing out candles for!
  • You’re never stuck. If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, and you find that you can’t properly engage with ichigo ichie, then tap into the transformative nature of humanity. We can mould and adapt to new circumstances and challenges—give yourself the opportunity to create something bold, new and exciting!


And what better way to accompany a mindful philosophy than one of our gorgeous Hoogly teas! Savour the moment with a stunning scent and tantalising taste as we help you navigate the day in style! 

How about a tea that recreates an ever-popular tasty treat? Blueberry Muffin Rooibos is a wonderful brew for any time of the day, combining the unique flavour of Rooibos with sweet berry tones, offering a delightful drink to return to over and over.

As the warm weather approaches, revive your senses with Citrus Bloom herbal infusion! This refreshing drink is a dazzling combination of bright citrus notes and a lively trio of peppermint, rosemary and sage, finished off with a warm scattering of fennel seeds. It’s like a burst of sunshine from the kettle!

That’s it for now Hoogly fans. We hope you find the ideas of ichigo ichie enticing and of benefit. In the meantime, take good care of yourselves and keep drinking tea!

Written by Chris Bedford

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