Hello and a Hoogly New Year to you all! It’s that time of year again; a time of reset and resolution; a time of looking forward to the months ahead; of new challenges and high expectations; of learning from our mistakes and setbacks in an attempt to do better this time round. At Hoogly, we are always searching for ways to help you feel happy and empowered, and this month we are sharing our top tips for achievable New Year’s Resolutions. Obviously, drinking more Hoogly Tea is the number one target for 2023, because this is a sure-fire way to tranquillity and mindful bliss—but we also have a whole load of equally amazing suggestions, so buckle up and see if any of these ideas strikes a chord…
- Boundaries. This is a tricky one to get right, but hugely beneficial in the long run. Learn to say no in the right way and at the right time. If you can master this simple-sounding (but often difficult) act, you will find yourself with more time, more productivity, more belief in yourself and a good work-life balance.
- Become a better listener. Give people around you the time and space to express themselves. Active listening will make others feel respected, valued and understood, and the feelings will usually be reciprocal.
- Mind-wandering. Give your brain the space to make connections and form ideas without the constant interruption of technology or conversation. Allow your thoughts the silence they need to coalesce, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much your focus and creativity is bolstered.
- Social Media time out. Maybe start with a ban on checking your socials first thing in the morning and last thing at night. If you can, expand the times when you are tech-free, and attempt wherever possible to avoid ‘doom-scrolling,’ endlessly swiping through content that lasts only for a few seconds. Engage in an activity that fills you with joy, one that makes time melt away in a positive way, and focus exclusively on being present in that activity. Your mind will thank you.
- Be health-conscious. This doesn’t mean an all-out blitz on every aspect of your life, but small and positive changes as you are able. Walk or cycle instead of driving where possible. Dodge the lift and take the stairs. Eat an apple instead of a chocolate bar. Chose proteins over trans-fats. Drink less coffee and add more water. Even doing these things once or twice a week can make a big difference, and the positive changes you notice might just motivate you to continue!
- Gratitude. Start a journal and jot down three things each day that you’re thankful for. It can be big or small, getting a new job or simply narrowly avoiding a downpour. Go back over these notes every night and focus on the positive things in your life, gently pushing away negativity.
- Read more books. Of course, this requires a certain investment of time, but if you can carve out some moments from your schedule, this traditional hobby is a hugely mindful way of relaxing, as well as offering (depending on the genre) excitement, cosiness, educational value or a darn good fright!
- Drink more Hoogly Tea. This comes in at number 8, despite being the most valuable item on our list! As you know, being more Hoogly is about tapping into the Danish sense of cosy, calm and joyful living, focussing on the things that matter most in your life, and treating yourself to things that put a smile on your face. It is about slowing down and appreciating the people, places and hobbies that we love; it’s about being kind to yourself; it’s about fluffy socks, candlelight baths and baking cakes; it’s about board games with friends, light conversation for the sake of conversation, and surrounding yourself with people who make you feel special. And all this joyful Hooglyness has been condensed and curated into our wonderful selection of teas, offering you a tantalising treat to help you shed the day’s stresses and a deliciously Danish taste of comfort that you can turn to time and time again.
And now introducing our brand-new addition to the Hoogly shop: Silver Needle White Tea! This is the champagne of all white teas, utilising only the top buds of the Camellia Sinensis to produce beautifully smooth and elegant loose-leaf brew, ideal to send as a delightful gift to your nearest and dearest, or simply to enjoy as an indulgent treat for yourself.
If it’s possible, our next newcomer might be even more spectacular! Jasmine Flower Balls Green Tea are intricately hand-crafted, jasmine-scented Green Tea balls, whose blossoms unfurl as the brew infuses to reveal a stunning display of delicate flowers. This is a mesmerising spectacle, perfect for wowing guests on special occasions, and ideal for adding light and cheer to the dark winter months!
That’s it for now, Hoogly lovers. Good luck with your resolutions—stay safe and take care of each other!
Written by Chris Bedford