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Hoogly Blogs / Christmas

Have a Hoogly Christmas

Have a Hoogly Christmas

Advent is finally with us! I think it is now reasonable for us at Hoogly to sneak out first Merry Christmas out. These next few weeks are always my favourite time of year. The decorations can come out, Aled Jones can be sneaked on when no one is looking, and the Christmas films, which multiply year on year, can begin to make their rotation. And if none of those things sound like your kind of Christmas, then whatever it is that you love most can come out too, even if it involves surfing.


We take Christmas seriously at Hoogly. We are Danish, after all! Indeed, half of our teas are designed as delicious and indulgent winter treats with all the taste of your favourite desserts but none of the calories. But just as it’s no doubt important to stay warm and well fed over Christmas, there’s also another element which we might all be beginning to get a little panicked over. Don’t worry though, at Hoogly we believe that there is a perfect gift for everyone!


The first product to mention is one we are very excited about. Our brand new Luxury Tea Selection Box. Designed by our fantastic team here at Hoogly, this elegant and luxurious box is jam packed with our full range of tea envelopes. It is the perfect gift for either someone with an adventurous palate, or maybe just someone who you can’t decide on a particular tea for. We are certain that it’s beautiful design will delight anyone who lays their eyes on it. Our boxes and envelopes are all 100% recyclable and compostable, so there’s no need to be concerned about any environmental impact. Kick back and enjoy! We are very proud of these selection boxes, and we hope you take as much pride in drinking from their contents as we did in designing them.


We also understand that there are those tea aficionados amongst you all with more specific palettes. For those of you who are looking for stocking fillers, our teapods, which contain 5 teabags,  might just be the perfect fit! We offer them across our entire range as well, so whether it’s a caffeine buzz you think they might like, or a warming herbal tea to soothe away the winter chill, we have it. People should be drinking the tea they love, after all.


For something similar but just a little bit fancier, we also sell selection boxes of 4 teapods, which are gift wrapped by our wonderful staff. They might not quite fit in a stocking, but  if you can’t narrow down what flavour tea they would want, or maybe the person is just a little bit special, then this is the perfect gift!


The final, and maybe most grand of them all, is of course our loose tea starter set. A true set piece of a present, is there anyone who wouldn’t love it? Our teapots are all glass to ensure you get to see the tea leaves transforming the water into those wonderful, deep colours. We at Hoogly know that how something looks is just as important as how it tastes ( although, don’t get me wrong, how something tastes is very important). You also get 50g of a loose tea of your choosing. A very difficult choice! Don’t worry though, you can always add extra flavours to improve the present further,


Of course, it goes without saying that christmas is not only a time for gift giving, but also for spreading joy and spending time with the people you love. We just think that if we can spread a little cheer on christmas day then we should let you know! And if you are tired of the growing post-christmas clutter, or want a genuinely sustainable option, then we really are the perfect treat. Our tea, whether loose, bagged or individually wrapped is all compostable and plastic free.


Written by Euan Reid



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Affordable Luxury

Affordable Luxury

Greetings Hoogly fans. The Christmas season has crept up on us again: kids are scribbling down lists, adults are starting to feel a greater sense of urgency and the streets are getting busier. Shops have already decked out their interiors with tinsel, stars and fir trees, enticing us in with shiny gifts and familiar festive music. But this year, the world is a different place. As the weather worsens, so do many issues that affect households up and down the country, not least of which is the cost-of-living crisis. It’s a grim fact that many of us will have to be more mindful than ever of how we budget this Christmas, finding ways to make our funds go further.

With this in mind, we at Hoogly would like to highlight some of our exclusive gift range, giving you some ideas for presents that are original, unusual, and luxurious—without costing the earth. 

First off, we would like to present our snuggly and huggly hot water bottles. Our gorgeous range of winter-beating warmers are all hand-crafted from luxury fabrics and come in an attractive selection of colours, including red, cream and brown. We do things Danishly at Hoogly, and in that part of the world, they know how to keep warm in style—and now you can too!

Up next is one of our personal favourites, the Hoogly filter teapot! This elegantly branded glass pot has a silver lid with a filter which can be removed after the tea leaves have been brewed. Perfectly portioned for one person, simply add two teaspoons of loose leaf or a tea pyramid—then sit back, relax and watch as your tea leaves unfurl! Suitable for both hand wash and dishwasher, this little beauty makes a simple, practical and novel present, perfect for someone who likes to unwind and shake off the stress with a cuppa in true Hoogly style.

Santa is not the only one bringing a sack of presents this year! We at Ho Ho Hoogly are now offering a gorgeous, branded cotton bag filled with fifty individually wrapped tea pyramids! Although we don’t advise throwing it down a chimney! Teas include a huge range of our customer favourites, including Cosy Chamomile (herbal tea), Rhubarb and Vanilla (green tea), English Breakfast (black tea) and Danish Pastry (Rooibos). This really is the gift that keeps on giving, not only providing you with a strong and stylish shopping bag, but also a delightful surprise each time you flip the kettle on and choose one of our tasty brews!

If you feel like being really fancy, then there is only one gift choice for you. Our supremely elegant and branded wooden tea tray comes with two lovely Hoogly mugs, complete with bamboo lids/coasters and golden spoons! The perfect gift for couples, this wonderful package is rounded off with 20 envelope-wrapped teas, featuring a wide range of our most popular blends. Replicating the experience of a luxury hotel, this attractive gift is the perfect way to make an impression this Christmas!

For all of these gifts—and more—visit


And we’ll finish today with our Tea of the Month—our Hoogly recommendation for November! Beat the winter blues with Banoffee Pie black tea, an indulgent and sweet treat in a cup, combining a rich black tea with subtle warming banana and toffee flavour. Mixing a British classic with a hint of the exotic, this sublime cuppa will warm your cockles and put a smile on your face when the weather gets you down!


Stay safe, tea lovers. See you soon!

Written by Chris Bedford

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I’ve always loved words. The sound of them. The shape of them. The way they can be both familiar and exotic. The way they can bring comfort but also consistently surprise, bewilder and entertain. Words are alive. Like us, and in their own way, they are organic and evolve over time, sometimes changing meaning, sometimes created out of apparent nothingness like the Big Bang, sometimes changing for very specific and progressive reasons. Words are a reflection of our societies and our lives. Our dictionaries are currently awash with words spawned from technology, often abbreviated as a nod to our fast-paced world: App, I-Pad, Hashtag, Vlog. Some of these words have shown the abovementioned evolution from their original or previous meaning: Wireless, text, memory, data, glitch, hack… If technology and science is our new religion, words of the past have reflected our foundation in the ancient and foundational beliefs: shrine, faith, dogma. Other words have developed from our propensity for organised violence and war: camouflage, torpedo, manoeuvre. And from war to crime: Alibi, culprit, ransack. And from destruction to the nurturing and noble art of medicine: Cataract, germ, inoculate—and one we’re sadly all too familiar with—virus.

I’m now going to gather together some of my favourite words—words that bring me pleasure, comfort or solace—and discuss the origin of each. It’s a really lovely, relaxing exercise for the mind, and I highly recommend giving it some time and thought yourselves. Even though, as discussed, words can mutate over time, the building blocks will always be there, a colossal and dynamic constant, like the walls of some ancient or fantasy city on a hill. Behind those walls we can feel safe. From their towers, we can observe the stories and achievements of our forebears, and build ever upwards towards a brighter future.


  • Silhouette. This magnificent word has a hint of poetry about it, touching as it does on light and dark, whilst also straddling the boundary between the sinister and the beautiful. The word comes from a name: Etienne de Silhouette, an 18th century French author and politician. Why he should lend his name to the dark outline of something against a bright background remains in dispute. Some accounts connect the word to his policies as Controller General, others to his brevity in the role. One French dictionary claimed he decorated the walls of his chateau with outline portraits. We shall probably never discover the truth, adding a suitable shade of mystery.
  • Nonchalant. Another French word—meaning literally ‘not being concerned.’ The laid-back, couldn’t-give-a-damn, aloof attitude was one I aspired to as a young man, but always failed to achieve. It was the cool kid in school. The movie star in sunglasses. It was an especially desirable trait to have, I remember, in close proximity to those I was interested in dating—but instead I always seemed to come across as stuttering, oafish and embarrassing. I can be nonchalant about those failures now, of course. It’s only taken twenty years to forget…
  • Diddle. This is one of those words that sounds funny and silly but has rather unpleasant meaning. The current version--to ‘cheat or swindle--’came into use soon after Irish dramatist James Kenney’s play ‘Raising the Wind’ (1803) in which character Jeremy Diddler repeatedly borrows and fails to repay money, and is most likely attributed to the impact of this character.
  • Eccentric.  A word that always puts a smile on my face, creating surreal visions of people sitting in their underpants and a top-hat on a sofa in their front garden. There are greater and lesser displays of eccentricity, of course, and I imagine most of us have someone in the family who displays such tendencies with great regularity. The word means ‘unconventional or slightly strange,’ but it started off as an astronomical term meaning ‘a circle or orbit not having the earth precisely in its centre.’ From the Greek ekkentros, from ek ‘out of’ and kentron ‘centre.’
  • Tantalize. That wonderful-but-just-out-of-reach dream or object. It comes from Greek Mythology and King Tantalus, who killed his son Pelops and fed him to the gods in a stew. In reparation, Tantalus was made to stand for eternity up to his chin in water that receded when he tried to take a sip, and under fruit that retreated when he reached for it. Lesson learned, I would expect.


From everyone at Hoogly, thank you for all your support in this crazy, unprecedented year. We hope you have a wonderful, calm and safe Christmas and very happy New Year. Until next time, keep calm and put the kettle on!

written by Chris Bedford

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Hygge Like A Hound!

Hygge Like A Hound!

This morning I went on a dog walk organised for greyhound owners, sloshing through muddy paths and climbing steep hills with about twenty enthusiastic sight hounds, all wrapped up in stylish and colourful coats to protect their thin frames from the winter temperatures. My seven-year old black greyhound started off nervously, but was soon joining in the ever-so-polite bottom sniffing and tail wagging with all his new friends, and soon leading the pack as we trekked through the countryside. It was marvellous to meet other greyhound owners, sharing stories about quirks and idiosyncrasies particular to the breed: sofa-hogging, roaching (lying upside in an ungraceful, legs-spread style), squirrel-chasing, fussy walking in bad weather, fussy eating when it’s not pilchards, and generally being asleep. All the time. Which is the biggest misconception about these beautiful animals: people assume that because they are such athletic sprinters that they must require a lot of exercise, but in fact, they are more than happy with two twenty-minute walks a day. Mine will gladly bomb around in the garden, pretending a tennis ball or a teddy bear is some sort of prey, tossing it in the air, chasing it and chewing it, and last about five minutes before collapsing.

And when they are done, they are done. Greyhounds can sleep for up to 23 hours a day, and they make it an artform. Whether its curled up in a ball, lying lazily on their side, or roaching, greys can get comfortable just about anywhere, and usually do.  They know what they like and they like what they know, and everything is simple and straightforward that way.

Which is why I think they are a good example to follow for us Hygge fans! Hygge requires us to fill our lives with the people we love, to focus on the things that make us happy, and ensure that we repeat these things at every opportunity, not just on special occasions. Greyhounds know that they love their beds. They know that they loved their teddies and tennis balls, and that these things mean cuddles and playtime. They know that they hate the wind and the rain, and that it’s better to be warm and unconscious on the sofa. These are the rules, and they are adhered to. They are focussed on, and repeated. And it means that greyhounds are very cosy, happy creatures, unburdened by the sorrows that other dogs endure: hoping for another six walks, begging for fetch, yearning after a sausage. Greys are, mostly, above all that. Just sleep it off, they advise.  Try again when you wake up.

Now, I’m not advocating that we sleep 23 hours a day, as lovely as that may sound. Nor am I saying that two twenty-minute walks a day will solve all of our problems—although staying healthy and active does no harm. All I’m saying is: notice what you love—and who you love—and keep these things close. And then stick the kettle on and complete the process by indulging in our delicious Hoogly Tea range, made with all the comfort and cosiness of Hygge in mind. Our luxurious and eclectic range is the perfect way to keep the winter blues at bay, with traditional as well as exotic tastes to discover.

For something new and fabulous this Christmas, why not try Masala Chai black tea, combining iconic Indian Assam tea with warm aromatic spices to enchant the senses. Brew this dazzling cuppa strong with milk and sugar to experience the full taste sensation!

Moving eastward on our Hoogly global tea tour, why not give Genmai Cha green tea a whirl? Originally concocted by Japanese farmers, this refreshing delicacy combines Sencha green tea with toasted rice to create a unique brew that must be tried to be believed!

And finish the day with our decadent and sinfully seductive Chocolate Brownie black tea. This is as simple and delicious as it sounds, and will have you racing back to the cupboard with the speed of a greyhound to refill your mug!

That’s all for now, Hoogly lovers. Merry Christmas and a happy new year from all of us at Hoogly. Enjoy your nap! I know my greyhound will…

Written by Chris Bedford

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A new Christmas tradition!

A new Christmas tradition!

We all have our favourite Christmas traditions; the little moments and items that make the day extra special and unique, and the activities in which everyone joins in, creating a wonderful sense of togetherness and peace. These traditions form part of the fabric of December, an anchor in the seas of our busy lives, keeping us safely moored and reminding us that Christmas has thrilled our previous generations, and will continue to thrill future generations for years to come.

So what are our top 10 Christmas traditions?

-Christmas Cards! The first card was created in 1843 by the Post Office as a way of promoting its services, and now it’s a lovely, non-digital way of saying hello and offering the warmest of wishes in the coldest of months.

-Stockings! This comes from the legend of St Nicholas, the gift giver, who sent bags of gold down a chimney so that a poor man could pay for his unmarried daughters’ weddings. The gold ended up in some stockings that were being aired, and the tradition was created! The Dutch called St Nicholas Sinterklaas, which eventually transformed into the English Santa Claus!

-Mince Pies. Old Santa has a job to do, and he needs mince pies to fuel his trip! Initially inspired by Middle Eastern Cuisine brought back by Crusaders, this was originally filled with meat, but this ingredient had disappeared by Victorian times!

-Holly and the Ivy. Used in pre-Christian times in Winter Solstice celebrations, these enduringly popular plants offer a dash of colour in the dark winter months.

-Turkey. Originating in Mexico, these were popular with Henry VIII, and became a fashion in high society in the 19th century. It wasn’t until the 1950s that the turkey became a commodity that everyone could afford. Now they’re an integral part of many households on Christmas Day, and the correct way cooking this big bird is the cause of many yuletide arguments.

-Christmas Crackers. Invented by a sweet-maker in the late 1840s, these included riddles and mottos, but it wasn’t until the inventor made them ‘crack’ that sales really took off. Now the sound of the crack is traditionally followed by the reading of a bad joke, and the collective groan by those who bothered to pay attention.

-Christmas Pudding. Fruity, delicious, and sometimes on fire, this is an essential treat that no-one can fit in but rarely, if ever, refuse. Sometimes includes coins—or credit cards, because my Dad thought that was funny.

-Mistletoe. A pagan practice taken up by early Christians, this tradition of kissing under the mistletoe has its origins in England. A berry should be plucked for each kiss until none remains. Pucker up!

-Christmas Carols. Another pagan tradition swallowed up by early Christians, carols have been written throughout the centuries, but most of the familiar tunes were created in Victorian times. Contemporary Christmas music is played on loop in most public places from the 1st December, and has led some people to wear ear muffs.

-The Christmas Tree! These noble companions have been around for more than a thousand years, but the UK didn’t see one until the 1830s. Prince Albert put one up at Windsor Castle in 1841 and started a tradition that has created magic for every generation since. Caution: some people are very particular about where the decorations are placed, so if you value your life, don’t interfere. It’s just not worth it for bauble and tinsel.

And this year we warmly invite you to add a new tradition to your December celebrations: a mug of Hoogly tea!

Our delicious brews are designed to recreate the calm, cosy and indulgent pleasures of Hygge—the Danish way-of-life that has captured the imagination of millions, and helped the Danes consistently land a place at the top of the ‘world’s happiest people’ tables! Think of Hygge as Christmas all year round; a devotion to feeling peaceful, happy and comfortable by filling your house with things that bring you joy—cute lamps to add atmosphere, big fluffy pillows to lounge about on, and scented candles to add some spice. Hygge is about wearing your oldest, comfiest pyjamas and fluffy socks. It’s about making cakes and licking the spoon, without worrying about the calories. It’s about having friends and family over to share in your happiness and create laughter and memories together.

So if these things sound appealing, then condense them all into a mug and try a Hoogly tea this December. We’ve got some dazzling winter recommendations to warm your cockles: Spiced Orange herbal infusion, a zesty and fruity combo, coupled with mulled spices, offering the perfect accompaniment to a seat by the fire after Christmas dinner. Or how about Lemon & Ginger herbal infusion? Classic lemon and fiery ginger embrace each other in this energising brew that will give you just enough fuel to survive a game of charades before falling asleep in perfect comfort. Lastly, flip the kettle on for Around the Fire Oolong Tea. This is a lovely mix of the comforting and the exotic as smoky Chinese and Taiwanese tea leaves combine with safflower flames and crushed chilli for a kick that Rudolf would be proud of!

  Whatever your traditions are this Christmas, open your heart to Hoogly and make room for one more. We promise you won’t regret it!

Written by Chris Bedford

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The Gift Of Hoogly!

The Gift Of Hoogly!

Nothing says ‘Christmas without the stress’ quite like our Danish ethos of Hygge. The mindful concept basically requires you to act like it’s December all year round, without cramming into rugby-scrum shops to spend all your hard-earned cash on presents for other people. The Danes are masters of Hygge, incorporating it into their daily lives and routines, focussing on the things that make them happy, and ensuring they surround themselves with people or things that bring them joy.

Hygge asks us to cosy ourselves—and our houses—until we’re cocooned in a cotton bud of loveliness that we never want to leave. Fluffy socks, our comfiest lounge pants, soft pillows in our favourite nook of the house to read. Low lamplight and candles, a glass of wine for the bath, a box of chocolates in front of latest TV show. It challenges us to have our friends and family around for giant, homemade feasts and boardgames at any time of the year, not just on specific dates. It urges us to step outside, no matter the weather, and enjoy the world around us in all its glory. To get wet, muddy, snowy, suntanned or sticky. To go for a jog or a cycle, and breathe in the fresh air, noticing the trees, the grass, the sky, and stay fit and healthy so that we can enjoy our Hoogly indulgences even more. Hygge asks us to discover what it is that makes us tick, and to set ourselves like a clock so that we repeat these joyful behaviours day after day. This is why the Danes are some of the happiest people on the planet—and you can be too.

But there is still Christmas to contend with. Sadly, we can’t make it vanish in one swish of a Hoogly wand. However, we can offer you a delightful, delicious and decidedly novel idea for your Christmas gift list this year: our sumptuous range of Hoogly teas! Our tantalising and eclectic range are the perfect present for those hard-to-buy-for friends and relatives, a luxurious and elegantly presented selection that will transport the lucky recipient to a whole new world of taste sensations, at the same time offering all the cosy relaxation of Hygge!

For someone who wants to explore the whole spectrum of our tasty, tranquil treats, why not give them a Hoogly Bag? This is a stylish, branded cotton bag with forty individual wraps of eight different blends, including Apple Strudel green tea, Lemon and Ginger herbal infusion, Chill Out Mint and English Breakfast black tea! It’s a lovely gift for one, but there’s more than enough to satisfy the whole family in this beautiful bumper pack!

For tea lovers everywhere, why not go for a Hoogly Gift Box?! This beautiful and classy box contains 250g of your favourite brew in a lovely glass jar, a five-pyramid tea pod and a branded Hoogly mug! Your friends and family will be thrilled to receive this carefully crafted package that will keep them cosy, calm and joyful throughout the grey early months of the new year!

And for that special someone, pick up a gift that says ‘I think the world of you’ with our Luxury Wooden Box and Bag combo! This tea treasure consists of a gorgeous branded wooden box filled with twenty individual tea pyramids, alongside a cotton bag containing forty wraps. Sixty wraps in total, combining eight different tastes, including Earl Grey, Rhubarb and Vanilla, Classic Green and Cosy Chamomile. Forget flowers and chocolate—this gift will be an unexpected delight this Christmas, giving you a very good reason to escape the cracker jokes and charades by heading to the kitchen and flipping on the kettle!

Whatever you get up to this December, don’t forget to give to the gift of Hygge—and make it last all year round!

Written by Chris Bedford.

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