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Hoogly Games Night!

Hoogly Games Night!

Greetings Hoogly fans! The days are gradually getting shorter, the night creeping in earlier. As they are keen to inform us in Game of Thrones: winter is coming. We will be spending more time indoors, shielding ourselves not from undead White Walkers, but from the cold and the dark. But fear not! We at Hoogly love a cosy evening inside. It’s what makes us who we are: warm socks, the low light of candles, comfy pillows and the lovely, carefree conversation of close friends and family. Our whole ethos is about focussing on the things that bring us joy, being mindful and enjoying the moment, and treating ourselves to the nice things in life. And not only this, we know how to have fun—which is why we’re the biggest fans of games nights. What better way to bring your nearest and dearest together than a laugh-out-loud, entertaining night of competitive mayhem, strategic decisions, trivia knowledge, mystery solving and eccentric dice-rolling techniques.

To get you in the mood, we’ve cobbled together a list of our favourite games, all of which are guaranteed to delight your guests, young and old. 


  1. Agatha Christie, Death on the Cards. Do you like murder mysteries? Do you like deceiving your friends and family? Then this is the game for you! Players must harness their inner Poirot to solve a murder and find out who among your guests has committed the ghastly crime! Work cooperatively and use your detective skills to unmask the killer—but trust no-one, as one of the players will be working against everyone else, keeping themselves hidden and attempting to escape justice! Each player also has dark secrets they must keep concealed from other players to avoid being disadvantaged and suspected! Do you have what it takes to solve a crime? Do you have what it takes to get away with murder…?
  2. Codenames. An unpredictable game of espionage and subterfuge as two spymasters attempt to make contact with their 25 agents, who are known only by their codenames. The codenames are laid out on the table in the form of single words. Players must give one-word clues to their teammates, who must identify the correct word, while avoiding the enemy spies and the lethal assassin, whose icy touch ends the game immediately. This is a brilliant game for two groups of two, testing your ability to communicate savvily with your partner, proving whether or not you are on the same wavelength. It is a game of risk-and-reward and high stakes, where the wrong answer can prove fatal! 
  3. Herd Mentality. This is a hilarious, cow-themed party game in which you’re given random questions, and you have to answer as you think everyone else would in order to win cows and avoid being the outcast with the solitary pink squeezy cow! It’s great fun to hear everyone else’s answers and learn some (odd) things about them, like their favourite muppet, the largest fruit they could fit in their mouth without chopping it up, or who in the room they think is the best dressed! If a player is taking too long over their answer, the rules state you are allowed to moo at them to hurry it up! Up to twenty people can play and it’s endlessly re-playable because the answers are never the same, even with the same players!
  4. Poetry for Neanderthals. A family-friendly game, similar to Taboo, where players earn points by getting their teammates to guess words and phrases. The twist is that you’re only allowed to use the one-syllable words of a friendly caveman! So, to describe ‘Netflix’ you might say ‘Watch this with friends; pay for it and stream. Much good shows. Not Prime!’ If you accidentally spill a two-or-more syllable word, your opponents are required to bop you on the head with the caveman’s inflatable club, whilst saying, ‘NOPE’! Hours of prehistoric party fun!


So, what delicious Hoogly tea would best accompany a games night? Well, we want something fun, crowd-pleasing and moreish. Something you can enjoy time and time again. Something that will put a smile on everyone’s face with its simple charms. 

Look no further than Apple Strudel Green tea!! A stylish and warming gem for the colder evenings, this classic combination of juicy apples and sweet spices, bound by a roasted green tea, offers a well-baked delight with every sip. It's one of our favourite brews here at Hoogly, a dependable and tasty mug of love that everyone will enjoy, and is a treat for anyone wishing to bring a bit of cosiness and Danish delight into their lives.

That’s it for this time, tea lovers. Until next time, get gaming!!

Written by Chris Bedford

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