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Books, books and books!

Books, books and books!

Greetings Hoogly fans! It appears that the heatwave has finally broken, with big blobs of intermittent rain stubbing the glass of my window, and a breeze that seemed almost unimaginable three days ago wafting over me. With the unforgiving sun finally off our backs, it’s time to start enjoying our downtime again, and that starts with filling our bookshelves with some excellent new reading material. At Hoogly, we are all about the mindful, calming and treasure-finding joy of literature, and we like nothing better than sitting down with a cup of tea and a best-seller. With so many good books out there, however, it can be difficult to choose, so we have taken it upon ourselves to point you in the direction of some sure-fire successes!


First up, we have A Fatal Crossing by Tom Hindle. This is one of those books that completely transports the reader and can be gobbled up in one or two sittings. It’s set in the 1920s on board a luxury liner called The Endeavour, with 2000 passengers on board—and one killer…


When a body is discovered at the bottom of a flight of stairs, the ship’s first officer and a Scotland Yard detective begin to investigate. They soon discover a web of intrigue surrounding a priceless painting, but all is not as it seems, and the clues—and twists—keep on coming, until an ending that completely knocks you sideways!!


This is a great read for Agatha Christie fans, and anyone who enjoys a gripping murder mystery, with complex, flawed characters, pacy writing and an intricate and imaginative plot. The perfect book to escape your stress!


Second up is Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. This one has been all over social media and is a huge word-of-mouth hit. It takes place in the late sixties in North Carolina and centres on a girl called Kya, who has survived for years alone in the marsh she calls home, befriending gulls and drawing lessons from the sand. When two men from town, intrigued by Kya’s wild beauty, offer new possibilities for touch and love, she opens up to a new world—but then the unthinkable happens. 


This is simultaneously about the beauty of the natural world, a gripping coming-of-age story and a surprising tale of a potential murder. The characters are sensitively drawn and the novel has an impeccable sense of time and place. You will be thinking about this wonderful book long after you have read the last page, and thrusting it into the hands of friends and family!


Thirdly, we have one for the kids. Alex Neptune, Dragon Thief by David Owen is ideal for ages 8-12, introducing us to a shy boy named Alex, who is convinced the sea is trying to kill him! So when a group of weird and wonderful sea creatures drag him to an abandoned aquarium in order to rescue an imprisoned water dragon, he’s not overly happy! But how can he refuse a magical myth?


Teaming up with his best friend Zoey, knower-of-legends Anil, a sharp-shooter octopus, four acrobatic otters and a shifty seagull, Alex plans to break the dragon out. And soon he discovers the sea might not be so bad after all. In actual fact…he might just have its power at his fingertips!


This is a hilarious, action-packed and easy-to-read adventure, perfect for kids who love Percy Jackson, Harry Potter and all things magic and mythical! 


And, as mentioned, no book-reading session is complete without a tantalisingly tasty cup of Hoogly tea! So here are our recommendations for the books we have chosen:


For Fatal Crossing, bask in the elegant glory of Rose Blush White Tea. Imagine yourself in the ornate dining room of the Endeavour, surrounded by men and women in their finest attire, a band playing violins and cellos on a raised platform, waiters in black and white bringing silver-platter meals, and the Captain in his starched white uniform meeting and greeting enthralled guests. Your aromatic Pai Mu Dan tea contains pink rose buds and offers a luxurious floral taste, complemented by subtly sweet grassy tones. As you sip the delicious brew, keep an eye on the other guests. The killer could be anyone…


For Where the Crawdads Sing, we invite you to try Berrylicious Herbal Infusion. Drawing on the glory and beauty of nature, this sweet brew combines apple pieces, rosehips, hibiscus, roasted dandelion root and freeze-dried strawberries and raspberries for a vibrant infusion, which—just like the plot—will have you coming back for more. You won’t want the book or the tea to end!


Lastly, for Alex Neptune, Dragon Thief, we invite you to indulge in Chocolate Brownie Black Tea. This is an unashamedly fun brew, a treat for anyone, a cup of timeless pleasure that will take you back to your childhood and put a big old smile on your face. And after you’ve unleashed the power of the ocean and launched an ambitious dragon heist, sit down for a well-earned five minutes to yourself and revel in the chocolatey splendour!


That’s it for now Hoogly lovers! Until next time, take care and stay Hoogly!

Written by Chris Bedford

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A Lolly Good Idea

A Lolly Good Idea

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it’s a bit…warm. As I write this, I’m melting into my leather sofa, three cups of water at my side, a cold flannel wrapped around my forehead like the headband of a 70s tennis player. As I look up over my monitor, I can see the dog sitting in a shaded corner of the garden, trying to dig out some carrot and chicken from his rubber Kong toy. Just watching him makes me feel weary. I know this sounds a little pathetic, but I’m just one of those people that don’t do very well in the sun. It’s almost certain that perched on a branch in some long-lost part of my family tree lies a Factor 50 vampire. (I also don’t like garlic and am vulnerable to stakes through the heart) At the merest hint of sunlight my body shuts down and my skin begins screaming for mercy. If I look outside into dazzling sunshine without sunglasses for more than ten minutes, I get a whopping headache that is unacceptably tough to shift. 

So, you won’t be surprised to learn that when I discovered we were about to experience a heatwave—and possibly the hottest day ever—I wasn’t racing to don my Speedos and blow up my flamingo dinghy for a day at the beach. In fact, the most enthusiasm I could summon was an obsessive impulse to check my weather app every fifteen minutes to see if the forecast had all be some incredible hoax or mistake. When it became clear that there weren’t great blizzards piling in from the north, I finally resigned myself to a few days of stickiness, irritability and lack of movement. 

But every cloud has a silver lining.

The one thing that always puts a smile on my face when the sun is baking down is the refreshing joy of indulging in Hoogly Iced Teas and Lollies! …And you thought we were all about hot, mindful, cosy masterpieces! Think again, tea lovers! Hoogly has a deliciously Danish answer for everything that life throws our way, including temperatures creeping up the mid-thirties. Our summer sensations our so easy to make; all you need to do is:


  • Pop four Hoogly Tea Bags in a 1 litre jug.
  • Add boiling water until the jug is a third full.
  • Brew for 5 minutes.
  • Put some cold water in until the jug is two-thirds full.
  • Add some ice and refreshing fruit for extra pazazz!


The perfect iced tea!


The hard part is choosing which of our amazing teas to select for your icy brew! But don’t fear, as ever, we’ve come up with a few suggestions to help you out this summer.


It doesn’t hurt to invert! A tea that usually warms the cockles will provide the perfect chill-out experience in its iced form: Apple Strudel Greet Tea! This classic combination of juicy apples and sweet spices is as refreshing as a dip in the pool, with a tantalising taste that make a splash and lures you back time and again!


For those who are after a zinging brew full of summer zest, then we highly recommend Citrus Bloom Herbal Infusion. Bright citrus notes sing in harmony with a melodious trio of peppermint, rosemary and sage, while fennel seeds add a twist to your icy treat!


And who could resist the cup of liquid luxury that is Marzipan Rooibos?! This rich and indulgent flavour is a perfectly elegant way to cool down in a heatwave, combining almond pieces with mallow flowers and vanilla pieces. Once you’ve taken a sip, you’ll forget the sweat and decompress from the stress!


If Iced Teas don’t work for you, then why not delight your family and friends with some luscious lollies? Simply brew your bags for twice the usual time, pour the contents into a mould, and then leave in the freezer overnight!


Kick off your sunbathing session with Spiced Orange Herbal Infusion. Our riff on the classic flavour is a beautifully balanced combination of fruit and mulled spices, treating Hoogly lovers young and old to a dazzling new way to enjoy the sunshine.


Or how about the extremely grown-up, extraordinarily luxurious Apricot Blossom White Tea? A lolly for those who are taking life slow and enjoying the moment. A lolly that is a treat for the adults while the kids are off playing and you can have ten minutes to put your feet up.  A complex mix of Chinese Pai Mu Dan and crisp green tea, drenched in sunny, ripe, soft stone fruit flavours, frozen to perfection to treat you something gloriously Hoogly. 


That’s it for this time, sun-lovers. As the temperatures rise, remember to stay hydrated, wear sun cream and, most importantly, be Hoogly to each other!


Written by Chris Bedford

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Making a splash with Hoogly

Making a splash with Hoogly

Greetings Hoogly fans! As I write this, the country is in the grip of a mini heat-wave, with temperatures in some parts soaring to over 30⁰. This wonderful exhibition of sunshine, however, can leave us a little hot under the collar, to say the least, so I thought I’d spend some time thinking about one of my favourite—and most refreshing—past-times: the simple joy of swimming!

Historical evidence has indicated that swimming was enjoyed as early as 2500 BCE in Egypt, and later in Assyria. In ancient Greece and Rome, swimming was part of military training and education for males. The Romans built pools, distinct from their famous baths, and Gaius Maecenas is thought to have constructed the first heated pool. 

In Asia, swimming appears to date back to the first century BCE, with evidence  found of races taking place throughout the region. In 17th century Japan, compulsory swimming lessons in schools were implemented by Imperial edict. 

In Europe in the Middle Ages, a lack of swimming activity seems to be evidenced by the fear of infection and epidemics spreading through close contact in water. Later, in the 17th century, there are reports of swimming at British seashore resorts, in conjunction with water therapy. In the 19th century, however, swimming increased in popularity both recreationally and for sport. By 1837, when the first swimming organisation was formed, London had six indoor pools, each with diving boards. 

The first swimming championship was held in 1846 in Australia and then annually thereafter. Competitors had to race over 400 metres. Swimming was included in the modern Olympic Games from their inception in 1896. Events were originally men-only, but women were brought into the fold in 1912. Some of the first events were a little odd compared to contemporary conventions: in 1900, when the event took place in France’s river Seine, competitors had to climb over a pole and a row of boats before swimming under them! When official body FINA took over, the races were codified and simplified, with strokes being reduced to crawl, breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly. 

You don’t have to be an Olympic swimmer, of course, to feel the benefits of exercising in the water. Swimming is an excellent workout, requiring the movement of the entire body against the resistance of the water. Amongst other great benefits, swimming can:

-Keep you heart rate up whilst taking impact stress off the body. 

-Increase endurance, cardiovascular fitness and muscle strength. 

-Help keep you at a healthy weight.

-Be good for your heart and lungs.

-Tone muscles.

-Improve posture, coordination and balance.

-Improve flexibility.

And it’s not just the body that benefits from swimming. This form of exercise can be extremely peaceful and relaxing, immersing yourself in water can be a truly mindful experience, as well as being incredibly refreshing and invigorating on a blazingly hot day. Swimming is also well known to alleviate stress, and is available at a multitude of places such as beaches, lakes and rivers, offering the calming beauty and soundtrack of nature. (You must always take care to ensure that the environment you are swimming is safe, however.)

Once you’ve finished your revitalising dip, you’ll need a tasty treat to keep the refreshment topped up! Hoogly heartily recommends Citrus Bloom herbal infusion! This bright and beautiful brew combines summery citrus with the lively trio of peppermint, rosemary and sage, topped off with a scattering of fennel seeds. Equally delicious as a cuppa, an iced tea or a lolly, this sun-kissed sensation is perfect to dive into for the hot weather!

Or how about a firm customer favourite: Raspberry Liquorice and Lavendar black tea? Make a splash this summer with this dazzling combo of sharp raspberries and super-sweet liquorice root, sprinkled lovingly with lavender for a fresh, floral twist. So delicious you’ll want to fill the pool and swim in it!

That’s it for now, Hoogly fans. Remember to stay safe in the sun and drink lots of water—but save some room for our luxurious and mindful cuppas—the perfect treat to spoil yourself as the weather shines and shimmers. 

Written by Chris Bedford

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Greetings Hoogly fans! Many of you, I’m sure, will be thinking about heading off on holiday in the next few months, perhaps for the first time in over two years. Airports and planes are filling up gleefully and international travel provides a much-welcome opportunity to leave your stresses behind for a week or two, to soak in some warm rays, lounge at a pool or beach, and eat like kings without worrying about washing up. 

And those of you who have the chance to escape will most likely end up in a hotel, which—if it’s done right—is one of the best parts of travelling: a environment where you feel pampered, important, carefree and relaxed. A good hotel will be centred around you, offering a luxurious, comforting and attentive experience, giving you the confidence to sit back and let someone else think about the duties and details. A good hotel should create fond memories and inspire the urge to return—for the setting, for the company, for the mindful ambiance. It should entertain and inspire, offer warmth and familiarity, but at the same time allow its guests to discover new and exciting experiences. 

The emphasis on luxury and comfort that defines the best hotels is also at the heart of what we do at Hoogly. We want you to ‘check in’ with our broad selection of indulgent and delicious teas and then sit back, relax and let our creations do all the hard work. We aim to give take you on a journey of glamour and exotic tastes, as well as acknowledging the importance of simple pleasures that remind us of home. Our ethos is centred on allowing you to treat yourself to some well-deserved me-time, providing a cosy, mindful and elegant way to unwind and focus on restoring yourself to full capacity. And like the best hotels, we have a sneaking suspicion that once you’ve discovered Hoogly, you’ll want to return over and over again. 

For the sun-drenched joy of the poolside bather, we heartily recommend Apricot Blossom White Tea. This exquisite combination of Chinese Pai Mu Dan and crisp green tea is complemented by soft stone fruit flavours to create a subtle masterclass in summer relaxation. 

For the fine-diners amongst you, why not try Rhubarb and Vanilla Green Tea? This tantalising pairing of tart rhubarb and sweet vanilla is a beautifully balanced brew, perfect for any time of day or occasion, making it one of our firm favourites, and a joy from first to last sip.

Those who enjoy the carefree, fun-filled pleasures of the beach will be enthused by the sun-soaked sensation that is Spiced Orange Herbal Infusion! This is a zesty, fruity mix, propelled by a generous dose of mulled spices, squeezing every ounce of pleasure from the mug. 

And for those who wish to be pampered in the massage parlour, we’ve got just the indulgent delight for you! Chocolate Brownie Black Tea is unapologetically decadent, ironing out all those stressful creases with its rich and delicious simplicity, making you sigh and smile with every taste. 

That’s it for now, tea lovers! If you’re off on holiday soon, I wish you safe travels and all the best for your adventures! Remember the three most important items for your trip: passport, boarding card and a box of Hoogly Tea safely stowed in the suitcase!  

Written by Chris Bedford 


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Greetings Hoogly fans! I hope you are all well and enjoyed a restful Easter!

Whether it’s the bar from ‘Cheers’ where “everybody knows your name,” or the intimate familiarity of Central Perk in ‘Friends,’ we all crave a place that feels like home away from home; a place where we can meet, connect, unwind and take a load off; a place where we can share good news (and sometimes bad); a place where laughter is the background music and old friends are part of the furniture. A place which provides a simple, trusted answer to that wide-open question: where should we go?

And now that answer has a name!

  Today I’d like to talk to you about a relatively new—and incredibly exciting—member of the Hoogly family: the Hoogly Tea Lodge! Situated near to Preston Park in Brighton, the Lodge epitomises everything that founder Tina has attempted to create with her Hygge-inspired brand, offering a cosy and warm welcome and a beautifully stress-free way to enjoy delicious food and drink. 

Offering beer, wine, spirits and coffee—as well as our famous teas—the Lodge provides an oasis of calm in a busy city, serving up range of artisan-made and home-cooked grub to satisfy your hunger at any time of the day, from cheese and meat boards to chilli and quiche—as well as a comforting toastie or cake as a treat or pick-me-up. We offer a range of vegan and gluten-free options in both food and drink, and we pride ourselves on inclusivity and a welcoming atmosphere. We have baby-changing facilities, as well as space (and love) for all dogs!

With a high ceiling, natural light and well-crafted furnishings, the Lodge is the ideal setting for a quiet coffee, social gathering or business meeting—and we’re also all about events! We currently host seasonal adventures like Easter Egg hunts, as well as a regular film night and a monthly book club. In addition, we also have an upcoming open mic night as well as a tea-tasting and prosecco day! If it’s hot and happening and Hygge—it’s at the Lodge!

Our friendly staff will give you all the help you need to settle in, and will assist you in navigating our broad and eclectic tea menu, walking you through individual brewing times, as well as offering satisfying taste combinations so you can mix and match your food and drink! Book now and reserve the best seat in the house: the Hoogly Couch—the most comfortable spot in Brighton, according to Tina—and who would argue with the brains behind our brilliant brews?!  

Sound good?

Thought so. But, what’s that? You want me to describe a sample of our menu…? Say no more!

For madam: our brand new Banoffee Pie black tea, a classic and indulgent treat-in-a-cup, with a subtly sweet combination of banana and toffee. And to go with it, a delicious vegan cheese toastie with some crisps. 

For sir: Pumpkin Spice Rooibos tea, with warming spices of cinnamon, ginger and allspice berries, this Halloween-inspired brew can be enjoyed all year round and is frightfully nice! And to accompany the cuppa, a plate of wonderful houmous and sourdough, with some olives and mixed nuts on the side. 

And for dessert? How about a vegan chocolate cake and a Oatopia flapjack? Go half-and-half, sir and madam, to experience the best of both puds!

So there you have it: the Hoogly Tea Lodge is ready and waiting to greet you with a smile, and quietly confident that we will become your new favourite place!!


Written by Chris Bedford

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The Magic of Mindfulness: Ichigo Ichie

The Magic of Mindfulness: Ichigo Ichie

As you all know, at Hoogly, we are committed to helping you find that perfect feeling of calm and relaxation, by offering you a delightful selection of delicious teas, and adhering to the Danish concept of Hygge, which celebrates the things both big and small that bring you joy, and a commitment to focussing on these things, leaving your stresses and strains behind you.  Because Hygge works so well in our lives, we are always on the look-out for concepts and ways-of-being that complement our ethos, drawing inspiration from cultures and beliefs from around the world. With this in mind, we would like to draw your attention to the Japanese philosophy of Ichigo ichie.

Translated as “Once, a meeting,” or “In this moment, an opportunity,” ichigo ichie informs us that every meeting, moment or experience is a unique treasure that will never be imitated in exactly the same way. It asks us to be aware that letting these moments pass us by means losing them forever, to our detriment. 

As we become more attuned to ichigo ichie, we learn to take a step back and acknowledge that every morning we wake up, every sunrise we experience, each day we spend with our family and loved ones is incredibly important and valuable, and deserves our utmost attention. In a society dominated by mobile phones, social media, emails and 24-hour news cycles, this lesson becomes ever more vital as we seek ways to navigate a culture of distraction, information overload and political divisiveness. 

As you begin to cultivate ichigo ichie’s practices, you will hopefully discover a happier and more fulfilling life, helping you become untethered from fears about the future or heaviness related to the past. You will appreciate the gift each moment brings and live fully in the moment, in a calm and mindful way.


Here are some of ichigo ichie’s guiding principles:


  • Live as if every moment will never be repeated. Greet and bid farewell to people with “ichigo ichie,” reminding yourself of the unique nature of each interaction.
  • Don’t put off those magic moments. Opportunities may only present themselves once: if you don’t make the most of it, it is gone forever. Seize the moment and treasure your life.
  • Be in the moment. Imagining what will happen in the future and trawling through the past can lead to negative emotions. Concentrate on what and who is in front of you. The possibilities of now are limitless. 
  • Meditate. Find a cosy, Hygge-inspired nook or soft pillow and remove yourself from the hustle and strain of your day. Step back from all other thoughts, observe the world around you and be grateful for the miracle of life. 
  • Try something new. Allow yourself to experience something outside of your usual routine. There is nothing more invigorating or exciting than finding a new passion and grabbing it with both hands. These moments are what life is about. 
  • Be aware of your senses. Notice the beauty of the way we perceive the world around us. Allow yourself to watch, listen, smell, touch and taste without distraction or interruption. Make a note of the things you experience. Describe what you have discovered and the way it makes you feel. 
  • Don’t wait! There’s no point in putting off celebration. Holidays, parties and events are fabulous—but try to recapture the spirit of these happy moments in your everyday life. Make every day worth singing, dancing and blowing out candles for!
  • You’re never stuck. If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, and you find that you can’t properly engage with ichigo ichie, then tap into the transformative nature of humanity. We can mould and adapt to new circumstances and challenges—give yourself the opportunity to create something bold, new and exciting!


And what better way to accompany a mindful philosophy than one of our gorgeous Hoogly teas! Savour the moment with a stunning scent and tantalising taste as we help you navigate the day in style! 

How about a tea that recreates an ever-popular tasty treat? Blueberry Muffin Rooibos is a wonderful brew for any time of the day, combining the unique flavour of Rooibos with sweet berry tones, offering a delightful drink to return to over and over.

As the warm weather approaches, revive your senses with Citrus Bloom herbal infusion! This refreshing drink is a dazzling combination of bright citrus notes and a lively trio of peppermint, rosemary and sage, finished off with a warm scattering of fennel seeds. It’s like a burst of sunshine from the kettle!

That’s it for now Hoogly fans. We hope you find the ideas of ichigo ichie enticing and of benefit. In the meantime, take good care of yourselves and keep drinking tea!

Written by Chris Bedford

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When did you last do some LEGO? Perhaps at Christmas with the kids? Maybe back in your own childhood? Or perhaps you are a daily LEGO user, filling your home with clickety-brick creations of all shapes and sizes. Whether you use LEGO or not, the brand and its bricks are inescapable. There are more LEGO mini-figure people in the world than humans—and for each person on the planet there are sixty-two LEGO pieces. Contemporary designs are high-concept, high-tech masterpieces, ranging from skyscrapers to space shuttles, Star Wars to Harry Potter, and everything from animals to robots along the way. This is all a far cry from the modest beginnings of the company.  2022 will be the 90th anniversary of the year Ole Kirk Christiansen, a carpenter from a poor farming family in Billund, Denmark, first made his foray into toy making. During the Great Depression, when carpentry work was hard to find, Ole found inspiration from the miniature prototypes of the wooden items he was planning to build, which he discovered could be turned into toys. After two years of success, he named his company LEGO, combining two Danish words ‘leg’ and ‘godt,’ which mean ‘play well.’

It was not all plain sailing at the beginning, however. The company averted disaster when the Yo-Yo craze died a sudden death, leaving them vastly overstocked with unsellable product. Ole had the bright idea to cut the Yo-Yos in half, re-inventing them as wheels for a new truck design, which went on to be a big hit!

In the 1940s, a British toymaker called Hillary Page patented the first Interlocking Building Cubes, but he failed to see the versatility and astounding potential of his creation. It was the Danes who rolled with the idea, creating their own Automatic Binding Bricks, which were renamed LEGO bricks in 1953. It wasn’t until 1964 that the first instruction manuals found their way into kits, and four years later, a Legoland Park opened in Denmark as sales accelerated to 18 million units. 

Despite flirting with bankruptcy in 2004, the company went back to basics and is now going from strength to strength, with video and board games, as well as movies—on top of their vast empire of creations. 

Some LEGO facts:

-20 Billion LEGO pieces are made annually. 

-Each second, seven LEGO sets are sold globally. 

-4.8 million LEGO pieces were lost at sea in the late 90s, and pieces are still washing up!

-Six eight-stud LEGO pieces have 915 million different construction combinations.  


We at Hoogly are big LEGO fans, of course. Not only because they are Danish (although that certainly helps!)—but because doing LEGO is an embodiment of many of the principals of Hygge that we live by: focussing on what makes you happy; being calm and mindful; sharing happiness with others; treating yourself to something a bit naughty—and creating something beautiful and exciting!

Of course, there is no better accompaniment to a LEGO session than a cup of Hoogly tea. Especially if you’re building something epic like Hogwarts or the Death Star—you’ll need all the delicious fuel you can get! 

For maximum creativity and flair, we heartily recommend Banoffee Pie Black Tea! Slotting together a pudding with a cuppa in classic LEGO brick style, this lush brew is indulgent, rich and sweet, with subtle warming tones of banana and toffee. The only problem is that our sensational taste may distract you from your project!

  And to further celebrate all things Danish, why not try Danish Pastry Rooibos? This national treat has a wonderfully warming chocolate and cinnamon aroma combined with a subtle pastry taste, perfect to sip while you brick! 

So—if you haven’t done LEGO for a while, why not drag down that box from the loft, or treat yourself to a new set, setting aside the stresses and strains of the day to focus on something calming, creative and mindful. And don’t forget to keep one of our delicious teas handy for those mini-breaks from all the fun!


That’s it for now, Hoogly fans. Stay safe, be good yourself and flip the kettle on!

Written by Chris Bedford

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Hoogly Book Club

Hoogly Book Club

Greetings Hoogly fans! It’s that time again: the chance to discover what’s hot in the literary world, sharing our top picks to help you relax, unwind and distract yourself from the stresses and strains of everyday life! It’s been a sensational year of publishing, with so many established authors bringing out big books, as well as stunning breakthrough debuts by a host of rising stars—it’s been very hard to whittle down our choices. But we’re here to make the tough decisions so you don’t have to; so, if you’re sitting comfortably, then we’ll begin…



Will Smith, ‘Will’

This charts the career of one of the biggest stars of music and film of our time. This profound read is not only a life story that chronicles some of the most recognisable cultural moments of the last few decades, but also a personal journey of self-discovery, acknowledging the toll his stardom took on those around him, and the vital lessons he learned about the way his mind works, and how best to grapple with all the pressure that surrounded him. It’s a book that—like its subject—is in a category all of its own, a book that will transport you behind the scenes into superstardom, as well as provide genuine universal wisdom that will echo in your own life.



Jennifer Saint, ‘Ariadne’

This debut has become a huge hit, latching onto the current popularity of the Greek Myths in literature, and carving out its own distinct niche with a dazzling re-telling of the story of Theseus and the Minotaur, written from the perspective of Ariadne, Princess of Crete. First capturing your heart with a sensational cover jacket (really—look it up, it’s gorgeous), this beautifully written novel weaves themes of sisterhood, love and secrets into a world of petulant gods and monsters, asking us to look afresh at an old story, bolstered by the shining beacon of female strength and courage. This wonderful book will brighten the darkest February day and put a smile on your face.


Sophie Hannah, ‘Haven’t They Grown’

This gripping read came out in 2020 and got a little lost in the chaos of the pandemic and subsequent lockdowns. I picked it up the other night and couldn’t put it down for the next two days!! It tells the story of Beth, a mum-of-two who lost touch with her best friend Flora and her family twelve years before. While she is in the vicinity of Flora’s new house, Beth decides to have a cheeky snoop. She sees Flora’s two children get out of the car, Flora calling their names. But the kids haven’t aged a single day. They look exactly the same as they did twelve years ago—and Flora seems in some distress. Beth drives away, thinking she must be mad. Thus begins a feverish, unsettling and paranoid search for the truth of what Beth has witnessed, a mission she cannot let lie, even though her husband protests, and there appear to be no plausible answers. What secret lies at the heart of Flora’s family? Whatever it is, Beth realises, it can’t be good…


Mark Dawson, ‘The Case of the Smuggler’s Curse’

A brand-new book for ages 9-12, with echoes of an all-time favourite: Enid Blyton. Lucy, Max, Charlie and Joe spot a phantom figure on Southwold beach one winter evening and are soon thrown into an unexpected mystery. But this should be no problem for the After-School Detective Club! As they dig deeper, the task gets more difficult, and they have to summon all their wits when they realise they are up against a ruthless gang of smugglers! Prepare for motorboat tracking devices, bedroom escapes, daring ocean rescues and undercover operations! This is the perfect read to keep the kids engrossed and entertained, harking back to those glorious Famous Five and Secret Seven adventures of yesteryear!

That’s it for the book recommendations—now for the tea recommendations!

This month, our perfect book club companion is Apple Strudel Green Tea! A classic Hoogly combination of taste and scent, this delightful brew will warm your cockles with a blend of juicy apples and sweet spices, bound together with a beautiful roasted green tea, adding a well-baked twist!

And if you really want to treat yourself, why not go for Chocolate Brownie black tea? This is a pleasingly rich and unapologetically decadent chocolate delight, perfect to sip as you flip pages of the latest best-seller, satisfying your craving for something oh-so-naughty. Just like your book—you won’t want it to end!

That’s it for now, Hoogly fans. Have fun with your books, stay safe, and we’ll see you soon!

Written by Chris Bedford

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Another new year is upon us. A chance to reflect on another surreal and unusual period in the shadow of a global pandemic. A chance to look ahead to better things on the horizon. What does 2022 hold for you? Some of us like to make detailed plans; others like to blow with the breeze. Some of us look to make small improvements in our life and wellbeing; others aim for wholesale and irreversible change. Which brings us to the topic of New Year’s Resolutions. The perfect opportunity to map out a strategy for the coming weeks; a blueprint of how we envisage this new version of ourselves. Let’s be honest here, though: most of our lofty goals get benched after a few days or weeks. Quit social media. Drink less. Lose weight. We’ve all given it a go at some point. We’ve all had varying degrees of success. But this year, perhaps, we can adjust our aims so as to get closer to 100% Resolution Compliance. Small is the new Big. Sustainability is everything. 2022 You is going to nail this!

So, what sort of goals should we be setting in order to achieve glorious victory? Here are a few ideas for long-lasting, life-enhancing, still-going-by-summer resolutions.

  1. Give someone a compliment every day. Spread positivity and make someone feel better.
  2. Read a book every month. It’s good for your brain, improves focus and reduces stress!
  3. Jot down something you’re grateful for at night. What a lovely precursor to head-meeting-pillow.
  4. Drink water: It makes every single part of you work better. Think what a plant looks like when it’s not watered and imagine this as your body and brain. Hydrate—feel great!
  5. Let go of grudges. Allow them to float away like a balloon. You’ll feel lighter and happier and better able to cope with what comes your way.
  6. Send handwritten letters. It’s such a sweet, novel thing to receive. You will make someone’s day, perhaps even reach someone who you haven’t connected with for a while. And the act of writing is truly mindful.
  7. Avoid negative people or complainers. This is a tricky one, but giving mood-hoovers a wide berth will positively impact you in more ways than you think.
  8. Listen. Allow others time and space to get their point across without interjecting. Really listen to what they are saying and take a moment to absorb the point they have made. They will appreciate it, just as you will in return.
  9. Don’t check your email—for a whole day. This can apply to WhatsApp and other Social Media too. It won’t hurt you. In fact, it might just make you feel a whole lot calmer, happier and more focused.
  10. Clear your clutter. Research indicates (and experience tells us) that being surrounded by mess is stressful. It’s like your brain is absorbing all the future chores it has ln the agenda and storing them like stone anchors in your mind. Which pushes out all the good stuff, like tranquillity, concentration and contentment.
  11. Drink more Hoogly Tea. Well, this goes without saying, doesn’t it?! We are all about the Hygge: fluffy socks, candlelight boardgames and sweet treats. Doing all the things that make you happy, and none of the things that make you upset. Our teas encapsulate this delightful Danish ethos, offering a huge range of tantalising treats, which smell as delicious as they taste.

Looking for something new for January? Why not indulge in our elegant Luxury Hot Cocoa? This is the ideal way to stay warm and cosy in the dreary depths of winter, providing a delectable sweet and creamy taste with subtle undertones. With all your resolutions to keep up, you have to be naughty somewhere, right…?

Or how about Turmeric Twist? This dazzling delight brings a touch of sunshine and summer direct to your tastebuds, brightening up your day and your mood. Equal parts earthy and sweet, combining a citrus twist and a hint of mint, there is something for everyone in this cup of Hoogly hugs!

For those who like something extra special: allow us to introduce White Choc and Chilli white tea! Creamy and sweet with a little heat, this Chinese tea is combined with cocoa shells, apple pieces, rosehip and chilli to create a wonderful blend of aromatic tones, perfect to pick you up from the January blues!

That’s it for now, Hoogly fans. Stay safe, good luck with your resolutions and keep drinking tea!

Written by Chris Beford

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A Christmas Gift Of Tea!

A Christmas Gift Of Tea!

Greetings Hoogly fans! The festive season is upon us again and Christmas shoppers are already out in force seeking inspiration or hunting down items on gift lists. Finding something for everyone can be a stressful exercise, and there are certain people who are more difficult to buy for than others. What happens when you’ve browsed every website and wrestled your way through every shop in the mall and still come up empty-handed? Well, frustration might set in. With a few dollops of rage and a small helping of panic. What now?! Do you download an app that gives you randomised gift options and choose blindly, hoping for the best? Do you take a punt on something you think they might like but could well end up offending them? Do you get something simple and obvious that, despite all your deep thinking about the problem, ends up looking like you haven’t put much thought in at all? Do you consult a crystal ball or a medium? Or perhaps install listening devices in the person’s home on the off-chance that they might let slip their deepest gift desires over breakfast or while doing the ironing?

The answer to the above questions, of course, is none of these things.

When you’re stuck and about to pull your hair out, look no further than Hoogly Tea for gift ideas! As you know, we’re all about taking the stress out of life and getting you in the mood to chill and be mindful, and we just might have exactly what you’re looking for to alleviate the burden of Christmas shopping hell!

If you’re looking for an elegant gift that will thrill and delight your nearest and dearest, then we have a wide range of treasures to choose from. For example, what tea lover could resist our Winter Warmer Set, which includes a stylish, hand-crafted Hoogly hot water bottle, a ceramic mug with a bamboo lid, a golden spoon and two boxes of tea of your choice! This is the ultimate way to ward off the frosty temperatures, allowing you to stay cosy and calm whilst sipping one of our delicious brews to your heart’s content.

If you’re searching for a simple but charmingly attractive gift, why not go for our Hoogly Teapot? This delightful glass pot has a bamboo lid and a built-in filter, perfectly proportioned for one person. Simply add two teaspoons of loose leaf or one pyramid and you can watch your leaves unfurl in complete tranquillity!

If you’re looking for a cheeky stocking-filler, why not try our Hoogly Tea Sand Timer? We have two options depending on your preference: 3 minutes and 5 minutes. This is an excellent addition to any Hoogly home, with the draining granules providing a surprisingly relaxing way to wait for your scintillating tea to brew!

Stuck for a big and bold prezzie? Look no further than our beautiful Mug and Tea tray. This features a sleek, branded wooden box containing two bamboo-lidded Hoogly mugs and 20 wrapped teas in flavours of your choice, bringing the luxury of the hotel experience to your bedside table. Flavours include customer favourites such as Apple Strudel, Berrylicious, Earl Grey, Cosy Chamomile and Danish Pastry.

For the tea lover in your family who wants to experiment with scent and flavour, then the only choice is our elegant and dramatic Luxury Wooden Box! This attractive gift has six compartments filled with sixty individually wrapped tea pyramids and ten brands to choose from. Watch their eyes widen as they unwrap this sensational brew box and then delight in their effusive enthusiasm as they spend the next few weeks indulging in their eclectic selection, singing the praises of your gift-buying skills!

Last but not least, why not ditch plastic bags for good with one of our charming cotton Bags for Life?! Show off your favourite tea brand and shop with style with a small or large bag—or alternatively use as a gift bag to treat your friends and family to one of the above-mentioned Hoogly gifts!

That’s it for now, folks. I hope you continue to stay safe, happy and contented. Don’t forget to browse our website for further gift ideas, and have a wonderful Christmas!

Written by Chris Bedford

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Greetings Hoogly fans! It’s that time of year again: the nights are getting longer; the temperature has fallen and the bulging darkness begins to encroach on our every flank. Before long it will be that most spooky of occasions: Halloween, and we will once again take to the streets like an army of the undead, dressed like vampires or monsters or ghouls, helping our kids score chocolate and sweets from ordinary humans, and listening carefully to every bang, rustle and clank in the shadows. But how can we explain our continued fascination with all things ghastly and spectral? Stories of spirits and otherworldly entities have run through all cultures since the dawn of civilisation, woven and overlapping with stories that seek to explain death and the journeys we take after our mortal race has run.

The most compelling and persistent story is that of the ghost: from Pliny the Elder in ancient Rome describing a spectre with rattling chains, to Hamlet’s father in Shakespeare, all the way up to the Victorian tales of Charles Dickens and Henry James, and the contemporary tales of modern Hollywood, such as Ghostbusters, Paranormal Activity and the Blair Witch Project. But what exactly is a ghost? Is there as scientific basis for them? Is it possible to find out? Should we even question such an ancient and mysterious phenomenon, or should we perhaps accept that some things at the fringes of our understanding are meant to remain there, tantalising, but always out of reach?

Science, as it tends to do, has had a good stab at trying to define the ghost. Here are some ideas that experts have touched upon over time:

SUGGESTION. It appears that people are more likely to report paranormal activity if they believe a location is haunted. Studies have shown that groups of people shown around old buildings will react differently based on the information they have been given: those that have been told the location is haunted nearly always report more ghostly goings-on than those who have been told there is no spectral infestation. There is also the possibility that our will and power of belief is much stronger than once thought: simply wanting to see a spirit go bump in the night may be enough to create something in the mind that appears—or perhaps is—real!

  ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS.  Some scientists have posited that pulsed magnetic fields—undetectable on conscious level—may be responsible for our perception of ghostly presences. The magnetic fields, it’s thought, could contribute to unusual patterns in the brain’s temporal lobes—a theory which other scientists have refuted, but nevertheless many ‘haunted’ locations do have unusual magnetic fields.

MOULD. Strange as it may sound, there is anecdotal evidence that toxins linked to mould growth can create hallucinations and visions, with other symptoms including irrational fear and dementia-like complaints. It’s not too much of a stretch to link classic haunted locations like unused castles or unkept houses to widespread mould growth, so perhaps there is something to this!

CARBON MONOXIDE. In the 1920s, a family reported a haunting after moving to an old house. After investigation, a leaky pipe was discovered, and carbon monoxide was blamed for the family’s ghostly hallucinations. There’s more than one reason to make sure your alarm is in working order!

OUIJA BOARDS. Hollywood has immortalised this spirit-summoning board-game where users move a planchette over a board covered with letters and words allowing a spirit to communicate from beyond and pass on a message for those they have left behind. The odd thing is—on many occasions, players’ hands do seem to move independently, giving rise to a fascination with the process, but scientists have insisted that these movements are involuntary, unconscious physical movements called the ‘ideomotor effect,’ where our bodies respond to our deep-rooted yearnings and desires without our brain giving instructions. Ghost-hunters will tell you that there are things that science can’t explain, and perhaps they are right. But I don’t dare take out a Ouija board to prove the experts wrong!

Well, in order to calm down after all that talk of ghastly ghouls, let’s take a moment to enjoy some lovely Hoogly tea. This month, we think it’s important warm up and rediscover one of our classic cuppas: Around the Fire Oolong Tea. One of our original blends, this customer favourite is perfect for the winter months, combining smoky leaves with safflower and crushed chilli, making this your go-to fiery friend!

To complement our Oolong, why not try Masala Chai black tea? Based on the iconic India brew, this rich and malty assam is blended with warm, aromatic spices to enchant your senses and stave off the frigid winter evenings! Brew it strong with milk and sugar to the complete Hoogly experience, allowing you to wind down, relax and let go of the day’s stress!

That’s it for this time, folks. Enjoy Halloween; fangs for reading!

Written by Chris Bedford

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After a long day at work, there’s nothing better than kicking your shoes off at home and finally being able to unwind. Everyone has their own ways to de-stress and chill out, but I think most of us would admit that the easiest (and often the most satisfying) thing to do is to slump on the couch with the TV remote and disappear into a good box set or movie. But if you find that Netflix and ice cream doesn’t always get the job done, then why not try a few activities that will make you happier, healthier and more productive in the long run?! 


1. Exercise: This might seem like a ludicrous suggestion after a long, draining day in the office, but it is well known that running can keep your brain young, reduce anxiety and improve your mood. If you’re not the jogging type, then try a brisk walk, listening to your favourite podcast or audio book, and burning some calories while you enjoy the fresh air.


2. Read: This is a wonderful way to escape the worries of everyday life, plus it has the added benefits of helping to improve your memory, reduce stress and increase your attention span. Try a genre or style that you normally wouldn’t choose, and you’ll be surprised what exciting surprises the literary world has to offer!


3. Cook: Some people (myself included) find cooking incredibly stressful, but for others, following a recipe and measuring out ingredients is an extremely therapeutic hobby, boosting creativity, mood and a sense of control. Plus, you (hopefully) end up with something delightful at the end of the process, preferably something big and cakey.


4. Clean: Another counter-intuitive suggestion, but this chore can actually work wonders for your mental health. Tidying, organising and decluttering your personal space allows you to view your home as more restful, clearing out the chaotic thoughts that can often mirror the environment around you.


5. Journal: There are many benefits to journaling, including organising your thoughts, helping to purge your mind of repetitive thoughts or anxious feelings, and better understanding yourself and your emotions. The act of writing is itself mindful: even if you’re only drawing simple shapes or letters, it’s a nice way to focus your concentration, noticing the way the pen or pencil interacts with the paper, paying attention to how you feel as you create, and allowing yourself to enjoy the moment.


6. Digital detox: It’s always a good idea to ration your screen time, but especially so after a hard day of checking emails and conjuring spreadsheets. It’s important to cut off from the working day where possible, allowing your mind to have the rest it deserves, and focussing on the people and things around you. Do this often enough, and you may find that your mood improves, as well as your sleep, leaving you feeling more refreshed and ready to face the working day.


7. Drink a cup of Hoogly tea. Obviously, we’ve saved the best for last! Having a cuppa after work is one of life’s great pleasures, but at Hoogly, we take things to the next level, providing a relaxation sensation that is hard to match! Our teas are lovingly crafted with your mindfulness as our top priority, allowing you to unwind in luxury, enjoying our scintillating scents and tantalising tastes. With this is mind, allow us to present a glorious pick-me-up for the autumn months: Tiramisu black tea! This Italian-inspired masterclass is an indulgent blend of Sri Lankan black tea, coffee beans and cocoa, dazzling your senses with a rich and creamy taste that will soften the blow of the shortening days and reluctant sun. 


That’s it for now, Hoogly fans. Keep a look out for the Hoogly Tea Lodge in Preston Park, opening soon to offer the people of Sussex (and beyond) their fix of beautiful brews, classic cakes and a gorgeously laid-back atmosphere packed with Hygge charm. I was fortunate enough to be invited for a sneak preview of the venue, and I was blown away by the friendly team and the quality of the products on offer. If you get the chance to check it out, you will leave with a smile on your face, guaranteed!


Written by Chris Bedford

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